Hala Beisha

Working with organizatons at the intersection of sound strategy, foresight and inspired leardership · Resilience Factor Inc.

Strategy Futures Leadership

leading in uncertain times work trends stategic communications futures thinking, branding, leadership thinking, design thinking Strategic & Business Planning

Jim Roddy

Keynote Speaker & Author · Jim Roddy CBA (Coach & Business Advisor)

Author of "Hire Like You Just Beat Cancer" and "The Walk-On Method to Career & Business Success"

Team Building Business Culture Hiring Best Practices Job Interviews

Angela Chao

Chair and CEO · Foremost Group

Angela Chao is an international executive, public speaker, mentor and philanthropist.

Shipping Maritime

Mark Kilby

Agile Coach

Agile Coach

Agile Methodologies Change Management Teams

Hasheem Francis

CoFounder, CEO · Built To Prosper Companies

Be A Great Student of Life, So You Can Be An Outstanding Teacher of Living.

Business & Strategic Planning Sales Organizational Development Leadership Development Communicating Change

Jonathan Brown

Author · Buffalo Consulting

Family, life and values told in humorous eclectic stories about famous people, technology, government, America, and some surprises.

Tax Policy Public Policy Analysis and Advocacy Nonprofit Management

Joyce Bono

Professor · University of Florida

Joyce Bono teaches managers how to create environments that achieve business objectives while supporting employee autonomy and well-being.

Attitudes and Motivation Quality of Work Life Gender at Work Management Leadership

Mo Wang

Professor/Chair/Associate Dean · University of Florida

Mo Wang studies retirement and the employment of older workers and occupational health psychology.

Successful Aging in the Workplace Occupational Health Psychology Team Processes Management Retirement

Christine Hart

Founder/President · Christine Hart International Inc

Founder/President at Your Date Coach Inc.

Event Management Media Relations Writing Coaching Workshop Leader

Paul Banks, PG

Senior Executive Vice President | Science & Technology Division Leader · J.S. Held LLC

Environmental Impact Expert | Environmental Health & Safety Compliance & Risk Expert | Licensed Professional Geologist

Organizational Development Assessment & Remediation Program Management Environmental Permitting Risk Management

Gokila Dorai, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Dorai’s area of expertise is mobile/IoT forensics research and developing a targeted data extraction system for digital forensics.

Algorithms Mobile Computing loT forensics research Mobile Research Digital Crimes

Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, BCPP

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach · MassEnergy

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach

The Ultimate Holistic Anti-Anxiety Workshop Relationships Boundaries Transform the Inner Bully Into A Supportive Coach

Bryan Eisenberg

Partner · Eisenberg Holdings, LLc

New York Times Bestselling author on Marketing Optimization and Online Marketing

Web Analytics Online Marketing A/B Testing Multivariate Testing Persuasion

Kathryn Kadous

Schaefer Chaired Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Kadous's research focuses on using psychology to improve investor and auditor decision making.

Auditor Judgment Investor Judgment Audits of Financial Statements Financial Reporting Cognitive Processing and Complex Judgments

Nikki Graves

Associate Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Sheila Purcell

Director and Clinical Professor, Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: purcells@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8940 / Office 408-100

Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy Dispute System Design International Court Alternative Dispute Resolution

Lawrence Berry

President · Magic, Message and Motivation

Exciting speaker that brings a message and illusion together to create a memorable experience.

Leadership Communications Emergency Preparedness Financial Management Budgeting

Karen Sedatole

Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Executive Compensation Performance Evaluation Reward Systems Performance Measures Interorganizational Collaboration

Saloni Firasta Vastani

Associate Professor in the Practice of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Pricing Strategy, Marketing, and Analytics

Monetization Models International Marketing Customer Segmentation Predictive Analytics Market Research

Kevin Cottam

President · King Arthur Productions Inc

Interactive, mindful and engaging speaker who energetically connects you to a mind body soul life performance

Curtain's Up