Alissa Nolden

Assistant Professor of Food Science · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Alissa Nolden is a sensory scientist whose research focuses on chemosensory perception in humans.

Human Responses to Food Chemosensory Receptor Biology Individual Differences Chemosensory Disorders Sensory Evaluation

Roger Thurow

Senior Fellow · The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Pulitzer prize finalist with a wealth of experience writing about global food issues, hunger, poverty and international affairs

Africa Food Policy Agriculture Poverty Transmedia

Sherry Pagoto, Ph.D.

Professor of Allied Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Leveraging technology for health promotion and disease prevention

Health Behavior Sun Safety Skin Cancer Prevention Digital Health Social Media

Rosalie Moscoe

Owner, Spleaker, Registered Nutritional Consultant · Health in Harmony

Experienced Speaker Extraordinaire, specializing in Stress Relief, Nutrition and Well-Being

Stress Relief - A Wellness Approach to Stress Management Nutrition - How Nutriiton Can Improve Vitality and Mental Health Caregivers - How They Need to Learn Extreme Self Care Stress Wellness

Laura Vandenberg

Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.

Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment

Eric Weaver

CEO · Transparent Path

Bringing IoT, blockchain and AI together to reduce risk, loss and waste in the food supply.

Social Business Consumer Behavior Social Media Social Media Analytics Big Data Analytics

Jackie Silverman

Assistant Professor, Marketing · University of Delaware

Prof. Silverman's research examines several facets of judgment and decision making and consumer psychology.

Prosocial Actions Consumer Psychology Marketing Decision Making Judgement

Harsh Bais

Associate Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Bais conducts research in plant signaling – how plants recognize and communicate with one another.

Plant-Microbe Interactions Plant Biology Plant Signaling Root Exudation Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticulture

Suzanne Toro

Owner · OmToro, LLC

Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change, Visionary & Strategist

Female Empowerment Inner Wellnes & Meditation Self Awareness Food Alchemy Creative Visionary

Mary Anne Amalaradjou, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Mary Anne Amalaradjou is a microbiologist with laboratory work focused on food safety and gut health

Inflammation Microbiome Gut Health Probiotics Food Safety

Donia Bijan

Author and Chef · Movable Type Management

Bring Extra Napkins! Food can tell the most wonderful stories with celebrated chef & author of the memoir, Maman’s Homesick Pie

Food Writing Food Memoirs Cooking Food and Dining

Kent Messer

Professor, Applied Economics · University of Delaware

Prof. Messer specializes in topics in the nexus of agriculture and the environment and the economics of stigma.

Agri-Environmental Policy Food Labeling Stigma Water Recycling Behavioral Economics

Robert Richardson

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

An expert in ecological economics, ecosystem services, food security, and sustainability.

Natural Resource Management Writing and Editing Sustainability Food Security Rural Development

Beth Wall-Bassett

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Food Insecurity Service-Learning

Lynne McLandsborough

Professor of Food Science · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lynne McLandsborough's research focuses on food safety including biofilm formation of pathogenic and spoilage organisms in food processing.

Food Safety Biofilm Formation and Removal Cleaning and Safety in the Food Industry

Amy Saxe-Custack

Assistant Professor of Public Health · Michigan State University

Dr. Saxe-Custack is a Registered Dietitian and Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.

Chronic Diseases Pediatric Nutrition Fresh Foods

Renee Miller

Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Instructional Track; Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program · University of Rochester

Miller examines sex differences in brains and behaviors. She is author of "Cognitive Bias in Fantasy Sports."

Fantasy Football Fantasy Sports and decision making Neuroscience Cognitive Bias Neurobiology

Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.

Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials

Jeremy Everett, D.Min.

Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University

National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration

Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy

Rigoberto A. Lopez, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Lopez is an expert in food systems, marketing, and industrial organization.

Food Systems Marketing Industrial Organization Public Policy