Christopher Hendricks

Interim Chair, History · Georgia Southern University

Christopher Hendricks' research focuses on early American architecture and town planning.

American Architectural History American Town Planning and Development Colonial and Early National America Eighteenth-Century Moravian Church

Kimberley Pickett

Principal and Creative Director · KIMBO Design

Creative Principal of award-winning design firm, KIMBO Design Inc., based in Vancouver, B.C.

Design Graphic Design Marketing & Advertising Marketing & Branding Online Advertising

Mitch Shapiro

Founder, President and CEO · Foundation for Sight & Sound

It's not only through determination that I have overcome challenges, but a vision of who I can become and how I can help others achieve!

Disability Means Ability Volunteerism Non-Profits and Community Development Entrepreneurship

Bruce Hanington

Professor and Head of the School of Design · Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Hanington's core teaching has included undergraduate courses in Human Centered Design and Industrial Design Studio.

Design Ethnography Human Centered Design Arts and Creative Expression Industrial Design Research Methods

Michael Wirvin

Partner · Robinson & Cole

Michael Wirvin represents clients in transactions involving mergers, asset and stock acquisitions, and public offerings.

Cross-Border Transactions Initial Public Offerings Mergers &Acquisitions Clean Tech Private Equity

Joleah Lamb

Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · UC Irvine

Joleah Lamb studies natural buffers for mitigating infectious diseases that threaten coral reefs in coastal regions.

Coral Reefs Ecosystems Conservation Biology Ocean Health Ocean Pollution Disease Ecology

Stanley Lim

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Stanley Lim's research explores operational issues at downstream (or so called "last-mile") supply chains.

Logistics Retail Strategy Consumer Behavior Machine Learning Consumer Trends

Henry Juszkiewicz

Chairman and CEO · Gibson Guitar Corp.

Hittin' The Best Note! Gibson's CEO plucks just the right strings as an experienced & energetic speaker on consumer branding, marketing

Fan Based Marketing How to Grow A Company How to Deal With A Government Investigation Marketing Your Brand Strategies for Leadership

Jesse Fox

Assistant Professor | School of Communication · The Ohio State University

Communication expert, focusing on the impact of new media on human sociality

Social media use Representations of sex, gender, and sexuality in media Representations in virtual environments Prosocial communication

Nadja Bester

Digital Brand and Communications Ninja · Various international online media and communications companies

Digital Brand and Content Marketing Jedi

Digital & Mobile Strategy Digital Activism Digital Marketing & Lead Generation Digital Marketing & Strategy Digital Marketing & Advertising