David Kramer

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology · Michigan State University

Expert in biofuels, photosynthesis

Biochemistry Molecular Biology Photosynthesis Energy & Renewable Energy Plant Biology

Kurt Schwenk, Ph.D.

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut

Professor Schwenk studies the functional morphology and evolution of lizards and snakes.

Reptiles Lizards Phenotypic Evolution Evolutionary Biology Ecology

Juan Andrade Laborde

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Juan Andrade Laborde develops sustainable strategies and technologies that can be used to deliver nutrition to vulnerable populations.

Food Aid Micronutrients Internatinal Development Human Nutrition Food Science and Technology

Dr Benz Kotzen

Associate Professor in Landscape Design · University of Greenwich

Dr Kotzen is a chartered landscape architect with more than 30 years’ experience as a consultant and a researcher.

Environmental Noise Green Roofs Plants Landscape Design Arid and Desert Landscapes

Sherry Strong

Food Philosopher & Nutritional Strategist · Www.sherrystrong.com

Looking for the most engaging lucid presenter on food & nutrition?

Increased Productivity & Energy Workplace Wellness Absenteeism Presenteeism Employee Engagement

Sophie Skover

Author . Coach . Speaker · LSS Harmony Coaching

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Ending Bad Food Habits Stress Management Organizational Management Holistic Wellbeing Work/Life Balance

Kim Gans, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Human Development & Family Studies · University of Connecticut

Dr. Gans research focuses on interventions in community-based settings with diverse populations.

Health Literacy‎ Dietary Assessment Physical Activity Healthy eating/nutrition Obesity Prevention and Treatment

Mandy B. Korpusik

Assistant Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Spoken Dialogue Systems Natural Language Processing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Deep Learning

Andrew Deener, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

Andrew Deener is a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut.

Food Systems Gentrification Economic Sociology Culture City Development

Rebecca Shenkman

Director of the MacDonald Center for Nutrition Education and Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Rebecca Shenkman, MPH, RD, LDN, is an expert in nutrition, weight management, and using food to help prevent and control disease

Weight Management Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Childhood Obesity

Nicole Peritore, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Nicole Peritore is an assistant professor of kinesiology in the College of Education and Human Development at Augusta University.

Food Insecurity Health Promotion Healthy Living Community Health

Monica Granados

Post-doctoral fellow · University of Guelph/Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Conservation through open science.

Ecology Invasive Species Conservation Biology Food webs Open Science

Anita Anantharam

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Anita Anantharam’s research interests include leadership, environment, political economy, and South Asian history.

Women and Leadership Food Women and Business Inclusion Diversity

Erin Skimson

Director · Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship

Responsible for leading the University of Guelph's technology transfer and industrial liaison office.

Entrepreneurship Start-Ups Business Planning Strategic Planning Marketing Strategy

Sean Valles

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

I study the interplay of ethics and scientific evidence in population health, including race and migration issues and climate change issues.

Philosophy of Population Health Race in Science Health Justice Climate Change Philosophy Population Health Ethics

Rayid Ghani

Distinguished Career Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Rayid Ghani is a reformed computer scientist who wants to increase the use of large-scale Machine Learning in solving large public policy.

Predictive Analytics Machine Learning Ethics Public Policy Information Systems

Dr Amreen Bashir

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences · Aston University

Dr Bashir's research interests include clinical microbiology and environmental microbiology.

Clinical Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria Found in Food Make Up Products Food and Water Microbiology

Mary-Kate Lizotte, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Lizotte is an expert in public opinion and is an expert in gender in politics and voting.

Gender Differences in Effect of Attractiveness on Political Candidacy‎ Race and Politics Gender Differences in Political Interests Gender Differences in Public Opinion

Anna Nagurney

Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, Isenberg School of Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Anna Nagurney studies network systems with applications including congested urban transportation networks, disaster relief and supply chains

War in in Ukraine and supply issues Cold Chain Logistics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Sustainable Supply Chains COVID-19 and supply chains

Asli Aslan

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Asli Aslan specializes in Environmental Health Sciences

Watershed Management Wastewater Treatment Global Environmental Health Environmental Molecular Microbiology Environmental Health Sciences