Jean Polfus
Postdoctoral Fellow · University of Manitoba
Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow working on caribou conservation in the NWT using non-invasive methods, traditional knowledge & sciart.
Ecology Ecology - Animal Movement and Space Use Conservation Biology Conservation Genetics Environmental Science
Nora Egan Demers, Ph.D.
Expert in health and pollution · Florida Gulf Coast University
Nora Demers researches the effects of stressors on biological systems.
Human Health Effects of Stressors on Biological Systems Community Engagement Immunology Environmental Pollutants
Greg Tolley, Ph.D.
Expert in marine ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University
Greg Tolley studies estuaries, including the ecology of oyster reefs and the impact of freshwater inflow on estuarine ecosystems.
Science Education Water Quality Physiology of Estuarine Organisms Freshwater Inflow Estuaries and Estuarine Ecosystems
Jeffrey Buler
Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware
Prof. Buler's current research focuses on radar biology, avian ecology and migration, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.
Bird Migration Radar Aeroecology Landscape Ecology Species Distribution Modeling Stopover Ecology
Justina Ray
President and Senior Scientist · Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
Justina Ray's research is focused on evaluating the role of shifting landscapes in biodiversity decline and/or change in forested ecosystems
Conservation Planning Forested Ecosystems Biodiversity Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Conservation
Christianne Wilhelmson
Executive Director · Georgia Strait Alliance
Non-profit leader in ocean conservation in urban British Columbia, where 75 per cent of the province's population lives, works and plays.
Ocean Conservation Whale protection Habitat protection Marine planning Salmon Aquaculture
Henry Campa
Professor of Wildlife Ecology · Michigan State University
An expert in wildlife and wildlife habitat, especially Michigan species like white-tailed deer, moose and eastern massasauga rattlesnakes.
Ecosystem Management Wildlife nutrition Wildlife habitat analysis and management Habitat disturbance impacts
Jen Owen
Associate Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University
Wildlife expert, focusing on the role of wild birds in the maintenance, transmission and spread of pathogens
Behavioral Ecology of Migratory Birds Ecology of Zoonotic Diseases
Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Environmental Science and Public Health; Director of Environmental Health Science · Baylor University
Interdisciplinary expert researcher and author on water quality, environmental health and sustainability issues in rapidly urbanizing areas.
Contaminants of Emerging Concern Harmful Algal Blooms Urbanization Sustainability Issues Environmental Contaminants
Andrea Grottoli
Professor | School of Earth Sciences · The Ohio State University
Climate change expert, specializing in coral responses to climate change and reconstructing oceanographic conditions
Coral Reefs Paleoceanography Biogeochemistry
M. Eric Benbow
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Insect - Microbe interactions in aquatic ecology, forensics, and human health.
Forensic Sciences Infectious Disease Ecology Aquatic Entomology Aquatic Ecology Microbial Ecology
Fredric Govedich
Professor of Biology / Department Chair · Southern Utah University
Specializing in predator prey interactions, evolution of reproductive strategies, and leech systematics
Evolutionary Biology Population Biology Predator Prey Interactions Leech Systematics Animal Behavior
Liette Vasseur
Professor and UNESCO Chair · Brock University
Working in Environmental sustainability, mainly sustainable agriculture and conservation
Plant biologist Pest management Ecosystem Management Ecosystem services Conservation Biology
Russell Burke
Professor of Biology · Hofstra University
Dr. Burke's current research involves diamondback terrapins at Jamaica Bay, wood turtles in northern NJ and the coyote invasion of LI
Urban Ecosystems Urban Environments Suburban Spaces and Development Ecology Evolution
Christine Hladik
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Hladik specializes in the application of geospatial data to address a range of ecological and management goals
Coastal Wetlands Geography Remote Sensing Geospatial Data Mapping Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.
Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University
Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.
Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology
John R. Cooley, MBA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Residence · University of Connecticut
John R. Cooley studies speciation and species distributions, using cicada species as model organisms.
Cicadas Speciation Species Distribution Modeling Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Bruce Gehrig
Professor · Western Carolina University
Bruce Gehrig has served for more than 16 years in academia and 15 years in the public, private and international sectors.
Construction Project Administration Alternate Project Delivery Systems Advanced Construction Planning Hydraulics and Hydrology
Christine Hatch
UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,
Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change
Lance McBrayer
Associate Dean · Georgia Southern University
Lance McBrayer is an expert in organismal ecology
Anatomy Behavior Herpetology