Paddy McGuinness

Senior Advisor, London · Brunswick Group

Paddy McGuinness advises on crisis and resilience issues, providing senior counsel to clients on ever-evolving business and political risk.

Crisis Management Cyber Security National Secuirty UK Politics UK Business Trends

Benn R. Konsynski

George S. Craft Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Electronic data interchange (EDI) Channel systems Electronic integration Information partnerships Digital Commerce

Joseph Jorden

Senior SharePoint Architect/Developer · ShareSquared, Inc.

SharePoint Architect/Developer

Sharepoint C# Javascript Sql Server

Edd Wilder-James

VP Strategy · Silicon Valley Data Science

Expert in emerging technologies and how they change the world, specializing in big data & data science

Emerging Technologies Future of It Data Science Big Data Open Source

Allan Zarembski

Professor of Practice Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Railway Engineering and Safety Program · University of Delaware

Prof. Zarembski has expertise in railroad track engineering and railroad safety.

Railroad Track Engineering Railroad Safety Derailment Analysis Wheel-Rail Interaction Rail Inspection

Lauren Stewart

Associate Professor, Director of Structural Engineering/Materials Laboratory, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Lauren Stewart is considered by many to be among the top blast researchers in the US.

Computational Mechanics Mechanical Shock/Impact Blast Engineering Hazard Engineering

Jack Brouwer

Professor: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director: National Fuel Cell Research Center, Advanced Power and Energy Program · UC Irvine

Jack Brouwer's research focuses on high-temperature electrochemical dynamics and integrated renewable energy systems.

High-Temperature Electrochemical Dynamics Renewable Hydrogen Renewable Power Dynamics Integrated Renewable Power Systems Hybrid Power and Energy Storage Systems

Sarah Wolfe

Professor in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability · University of Waterloo

Assistant Professor

Geography Water Decision Making and Governance Water Research Environmental and Social Psychology Sociology

Venkatesh Kodur

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Michigan State University

An internationally renowned expert in the evaluation of fire resistance of structural systems through large-scale fire experiments

Building Collapse Investigation Fire Resistance of Structural Systems Concrete and Steel Structural Systems

David Feldman

Professor of Urban Planning & Public Policy and Political Science, Director of Water UCI · UC Irvine

David Feldman specializes in water resources management and policy, global climate change policy, ethics and environmental decisions.

Drought Sustainable Development Ethics and Environmental Decisions Water Resources Management Global climate change policy

Willett Kempton

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Kempton invented vehicle-to-grid power (V2G); he researches, publishes and lectures on offshore wind power and on electric vehicles.

Vehicle-to-Grid Power Offshore Wind Policy

Amir AghaKouchak

Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering · UC Irvine

Amir AghaKouchak studies how climate change and variability influence extreme events (flood/drought/heatwaves) and compound hazards.

Climate Extremes Climatology Climate Change Flood Drought

Joris Claeys

Managing Director - Chief Engagement Officer - Principal Partner · ecoNVERGE – CAPix - ViVaTicA - ecoNOVATE - ARTconnectsLIFE - ARTronomy | PORT[expertise] | eco.AHCIL

Change Cultivator | Think, act & lead WITHOUT the box! Promoting 5P's of sustainable thrivability! Coaching OD-WST-AI-TEAL – ARTconnectsLIFE

Change Facilitation Organizational Development Whole Systems Transition Change Facilitation – Appreciative Inquiry Whole Systems Transformation Organizational development TEAL reorganization Corporate & public sustainability management resilience building to thrivability intellectual- social- & natural capital

Kalim Shah

Associate Professor, Energy and Environmental Policy · University of Delaware

Dr. Shah studies public policy, governance and institutional analysis for sustainable development in small islands and economies.

Public Policy Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) Institutional Transformation Small Island Developing States Energy Security and Transition

Jeff Cohen, Ph.D.

Professor of Real Estate and Finance · University of Connecticut

Jeffrey Cohen is an expert on how airport noise, transit and highway infrastructure improvements impact real estate.

Residential Real Estate Applied Spatial Econometrics Real Estate Economics and Finance Transportation and Real Estate

Patricia Mokhtarian

Professor, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Patricia Mokhtarian has specialized in the application of quantitative methods to the study of travel behavior for more than 30 years.

Commuters' Responses to Congestion or to System Disruptions The Need to Travel for Its Own Sake Impacts of Land Use on Travel Impacts of Telecommunication on Travel Multitasking Attitudes and Behavior During Travel

David Carter

Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

David L. Carter is a professor in the School of Criminal Justice and Director of the Intelligence Program at Michigan State University.

Counterterrorism Policing Homicide Investigations Law Enforcement Criminal Justice

Tom Rand

Managing Director at MaRS Cleantech Fund I, L.P. · MaRS Cleantech

Experienced, bare-knucked approach to cleantech, finance, policy, climate science and associated global economic opportunities and risks.

Carbon and Climate Science: Industrial Endgame? Cleantech Climate Change Clean Energy Economics

Anna Nagurney

Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, Isenberg School of Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Anna Nagurney studies network systems with applications including congested urban transportation networks, disaster relief and supply chains

War in in Ukraine and supply issues Cold Chain Logistics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Sustainable Supply Chains COVID-19 and supply chains

Professor Nashwan Dawood

Professor of Digital Construction · Teesside University

His expertise is sustainable infrastructure & in modelling ways to ensure carbon reduction in construction, housing & engineering projects.

Energy Efficient Buildings Infrastructure Design Carbon Reduction Sustainable Construction Engineering