Leni Schwendinger
Owner/Principal · Leni Schwendinger Light Projects, NightSeeing™
"Fun, moving, exciting! Is how I would describe Leni's Talk and LightWalk."
Urban Nights Lighting Nighttime Environment Cities Design
Iñaki Alday
Dean, Richard Koch Chair in Architecture · Tulane University
Iñaki Alday utilizes a multidisciplinary global vision and social and environmental ethics to examine the role of architecture in society
Sustainable Architecture Eco-ethics Architecture and the Built Enivronment Architecture River City Urban Planning
Bern Grush
Strategy | Vice President Innovation · Grush Niles Strategic | PayBySky
Transportation innovator, writer, speaker. Deployment and social policy: automated vehicles, parking, mobility as a service, & road tolling.
Autonomous Vehicles Self-driving cars Driverless cars Parking Reform Road Tolling
Luke Gusukuma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering
Luke teaches Computer Science (CS) and does research in CS Education. He focuses on the design and delivery of feedback and instruction.
Computer Science Education
Michael Mattarock
Executive Director, National Security Research · Carnegie Mellon University
Michael Mattarock develops and implements strategies to enhance the national security research portfolio.
Data Security and Privacy Security of AI and ML AI Engineering Cybersecurity National Security
Jasmine McNealy
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Jasmine McNealy studies information, communication and technology with a view toward influencing law and policy.
Ethical AI Communication Technology Media Law and Policy Newsroom Policy Communications
Derek Banker
Derek Banker is a senior executive in growth strategy & business transformation. His expertise is assisting the c-suite and executive management of regional, national and global clients with business transformations and growth initiatives. · Actively Seeking Next Challenge
Derek Banker fine-tunes Business Intelligence for optimal performance, achieve objectives & transform value .
Organizational Purpose & Transformation Operations Planning and Management Business Planning and Feasibility Analysis Program Design & Evaluation Information Management and Technology
Ram B. Gupta, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research | Professor of Chemical & Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Research interest: batteries, electrochemistry, sustainable energy, biofuel, biomaterials, supercritical extraction, and nanomedicine.
Batteries Electrochemical engineering Bio-carbon Supercritical carbon dioxide technology Nanotechnology
Michael Nowatkowski, PhD
Associate Professor · Augusta University
A leading cybersecurity expert available to discuss online security, ransomware, and device security topics.
Hardware and Embedded Systems Cellular and Mobile Technology Defensive Cyber Operations Cyber Operations Education TCP/IP Protocol Analysis
Ruomeng Cui
Goizueta Foundation Term Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Cui's research focuses on how operations strategies create and deliver value in companies' digital transformation
Digital Retail Platform Markets Operations Strategy Supply Chain Data-driven Decision
Ronald Stein, P.E.
Author · Energy Literacy Consultant
To educate the public to be more energy literate.
Solar and Wind Energy Fossil Fuels Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants electricity industry Renewable and Sustainable Biofuels
Ace Vo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Big Data Machine Learning Data Mining Spatial Analytics
Monica Escaleras, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director of the Business and Economics Polling Initiative · Florida Atlantic University
Monica Escaleras is an expert in natural disasters and political economy.
Decentralization Business Administration Business and Economics Polling Natural Disasters Political Economy
Kari Watkins
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Kari Watkins' research interests revolve around multi-modal transportation planning and the use of technology in transportation.
Complete Streets Design Traveler Information Transportation Planning Smart Cities Sustainable Communities
Andrew Danylchuk
Professor of Fish Conservation, Department of Environmental Conservation · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Andrew Danylchuk’s research seeks to understand the factors that influence the life history and ecology of fish and other aquatic organisms.
Fish Conservation Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Aquatic Ecosystems Behavior and Survival of Coastal Fisheries Best Practices for Managing Recreational Fishing
A.R. Siders
Director, Climate Change Science & Policy Hub | Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center | Associate Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration & Department of Geography & Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Siders' research focuses on climate change adaptation policies with an emphasis on relocation and fairness in adaptation.
Flood Exposure & Resilience Climate & Disaster Study Managed Retreat Environmental Justice Climate-related Hazards
Angela Bradbery
Chair · University of Florida
Angela Bradbery has over 30 years experience practicing and studying activism, advocacy and public interest communications.
Public Interest Communications Advocacy Activism Nonprofits
William Whittaker
Founders University Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
A field robotics pioneer, William "Red" Whittaker's research interests centers on mobile robots in unpredictable environments.
Multisensor Data Fusion Robotics in Hazerdous Application Industrial Robotics Field & Service Robotics Outdoor Mobile Robots
Jeremy Firestone
Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Firestone's major research focus is renewable energy transition.
Energy Justice Wind Power Climate Change Policy Renewable Energy Transition Renewable Energy
Professor Akintola Akintoye
Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University
Professor Akintola Akintoye, Dean of School of Built Environment and Engineering, joined the University in 2017.
Modelling Civil Engineering Construction Economics Architecture Economic Formation