John T. Harvey
Professor · Texas Christian University
Dr. Harvey's research focuses on exchange rates, business cycles, and contemporary economic schools of thought.
Contemporary Economic Schools of Thought Macroeconomics Exchange Rates Business Cycles
Scott Monty
Global Digital & Multimedia Communications Manager · Ford Motor Company
Communications executive adept at providing strategic counsel and connecting people to address a full range of business issues
Social Media Marketing Integrated Marketing & Communications Strategies Digital Marketing Strategy Mobile Marketing Branding and Reputation Management
Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Chancellor's Professor · UC Irvine
Jeffrey specializes in modern Chinese cultural history & world history, who has written on many contemporary as well as historical issues
Urban Globalization China Protest Gender
Ken Ryalls
President · IDEA
Ken Ryalls is dedicated to the improvement of learning in higher education through research, assessment, and professional development
Higher Education Adult Education Public Speaking Distance Learning Program Development
Francisco A. Villarruel
Associate Chair and Professor · Michigan State University
An expert on issues affecting Latino youth and families; Latinos in the criminal justice system
Positive Youth Development Latino Youth and Families
Jonathan M. Metzl
Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society · Vanderbilt University
World-renowned expert on gun violence and mental illness, white identity politics and race and health.
Mass shootings Mental Health Guns in America Guns and Mental Illness Race, Gender and Social Justice in Healthcare
Steve Benton, Ph.D.
Senior Research Officer · IDEA
Steve leads a research team that designs and conducts reliability and validity studies for IDEA products.
Educational Psychology Higher Education Product Testing Educational Research Cognition
Narayana Kocherlakota
Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics · University of Rochester
Professor Kocherlakota's research includes theoretical and empirical contributions to many fields in economics
Central Banks U.S. Federal Reserve Dynamic Games/Contracts Financial Economics Economics of Money and Payments
Jeff Tysinger
Professor · Georgia Southern University
Dr. Jeffrey Tysinger is a Professor at Georgia Southern University, working in the Department of Leadership, Technology & Human Development.
School Psychology Consultation School Psychology Counseling Interventions
Varun Makhija
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Varun Makhija's research focuses on the interaction of light with matter, and the ensuing motion of molecular atoms and electrons.
Chemical Physics Molecular and Optical Physics Chemistry and Physics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Mark Kossick
Professor · Western Carolina University
Mark Kossick has been on faculty at several universities and has lectured extensively across the country over the last 25 years.
Cardiovascular Monitoring Research Pathophysiology Cardiovascular Anatomy Physiology
Michael Faggella-Luby
Professor · Texas Christian University
Michael Faggella-Luby helps educators to implement methods and instructional materials for students with and without disabilities.
Implementation of Specific Evidence-based Pedagogies and Interventions Identification of Critical Systemic Variables Associated with School Reform and Intervention Implementation Secondary and Post-Secondary Education Learning Disabilities A Systematic Review of Assessment Tools for Higher Ed and Disability
Kellie Watson
Head of Licensing, Corporate Development · LabCorp
Kellie Watson is an expert in biotechnology, scientific communications, and assisting biotechnology companies.
Diagnostics Life Sciences Cellular Biology Molecular Biology Biology
Alan Sheinwald
Member of the 7th U.S. Cavalry · U.S. Army
Alan Sheinwald is a member of the 7th U.S. Cavalry and proud West Point Alumni interested in business and volunteering.
Coaching softball Volunteering army Military
Fatimah Tuggar
Artist & Assistant Professor of Contemporary Issues of Representation · OCAD University
artist working with technology as both medium and subject to address issues of social and environmental justice
Art and Creativity Art Education Art & Technology Installation Art Sculpture
William McClain
Rhetorical Arts Instructor · Loyola Marymount University
University Core Curriculum
Communication Media Theory Textual Interpretation Contemporary Interpretive Activities Public Speaking
Gonzalo Garcia, PhD AE, MSc EE, BSc EE
Postdoctoral Fellow · VCU College of Engineering
Conduct experimental, theoretical, modeling and simulation research in the area of autonomous vehicles and robots.
Artifical Intelligence Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Nonlinear Controls Optimal Control Reinforcement Learning
Matthew Grieshop
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
An expert in Cultural, Biological and chemical pest management for organic production systems
organic agriculture Extension Biological Control Integrated Pest Management Invasive Pests
Andrew Finch
Associate Professor of the Practice, Department of Human and Organizational Development; Core Faculty, Human Development Counseling · Vanderbilt University
An expert who specializes in recovery high schools, substance use disorders, teen addiction and school counseling.
Addiction and mental health counseling Alcoholism Substance Abuse and Addiction Teen Addiction Drug Abuse
Marlene Neill, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Journalism, Public Relations and New Media, Graduate Program Director · Baylor University
Professor Neill's research interests include internal communication, public relations management and ethics
Internal / Employee Communication Integrated Communication Advertising Management Public Relations Management Public Relations Ethics