Stephen Elardo
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Stephen Elardo's research focuses on early planetary formation and evolution, specifically in the geological evolution of the moon.
Core Magma Apollo Planetary Exploration The Moon
Daniel A. Smith
Professor · University of Florida
Daniel A. Smith examines how political institutions affect political behavior across and within the American states.
Election Administration Voting Ballot Measures Florida Politics State Politics and Elections
F.E. "Jack" Putz
Distinguished Professor · University of Florida
Frances "Jack" Putz applies science to real-world problems related to ecosystem management and conservation.
Plant Ecology Indonesian Consevation Issue Economic Botany Applied Ecology Florida Natural History
Liang Mao
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Liang Mao's research aims to offer better understandings on the human-disease system with geospatial science approaches and technologies.
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Geospatial Network Analysis Spatial Accessibility and Disparities
Guido Mueller
Professor · University of Florida
Guido Mueller’s research interests include quantum optics and detectors for axions and axion-like particles.
Space Astrophysics LIGO Gravitational Waves
Lillian Guerra
Professor · University of Florida
Lillian Guerra is an expert on Cuban and Caribbean history.
Latino Culture & Politics in the U.S. Caribbean History Latin American Studies Caribbean Diasporas and Caribbean History Central American and Caribbean Immigration
John Jaeger
Associate Professor · University of Florida
John Jaeger researches the ways in which hurricanes have impacted Florida’s coastline.
Coastal Erosion Biodiversity and the Environment Sea Level Rise
Darlene Kertes
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Darlene Kertes’ research examines the role of life experiences and epigenetic processes on activity of stress-sensitive systems.
Antecedents Psychchology
Andrew Janusz
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Andrew Janusz is an expert on elections, political behavior and racial identity in Latin America; particularly in Brazilian politics.
Brazilian Politics and Elections Political Representation in Latin America Race and Ethnic Politics
Stephanie Smith
Professor · University of Florida
Stephanie Smith studies 19th and 20th century American literature and culture and the history of the American Renaissance.
Critical Literary Theory Science Fiction Novelist Nineteenth and Twentieth Century American Literature Creative Writing
Robert Walker
Professor · University of Florida
Robert Walker is a human geographer with training in statistics and economics who studies land cover change processes.
Land Change The Amazon Latin American Studies Land Use Change Modeling Geospatial Analysis and Techniques
Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Ben Hebblethwaite's research focuses on the languages and cultures of Haiti, Jamaica, France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Creole Linguistics and Historical Linguistics Cannabis in the Caribbean Caribbean Music and Culture Haitian Culture Jamaica
David Tanner
Distinguished Professor · University of Florida
David Tanner’s research interests include instrumentation for gravitational-wave detection.
Physics LIGO
Jennifer Rea
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Jennifer A. Rea’s research explores the intersections between ancient Rome and modern science fiction and fantasy.
Reception Studies: Science Fiction and Fantasy Augustan Age Rome Daily Life in Ancient Rome
Monika Ardelt
Professor · University of Florida
Monika Ardelt developed the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale to study the predictors, correlates and effects of personal wisdom.
Social Psychology Dying Well Subjective Well-being Psychological well-being Wisdom
Erin Westgate
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Erin Westgate studies boredom, interest, and thinking (...and why it's so hard for so many people).
Happiness Boredom Emotion Social Psychology Social Cognition
Leonardo Villalón
Professor · University of Florida
Leonardo A. Villalón is a professor of political science and African studies.
West Africa Post-Colonial Studies Economics Developing World Africa
Linda Bannister
Professor Emeritus of English · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Rhetoric Composition Journalism Playwriting
Richard Fox
Dean of the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Political Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Media and Politics Introduction to American Government Courts, Law, and Society
Nicole Dorey
Lecturer · University of Florida
Nicole R. Dorey, founder of the Animalia Laboratory, teaches courses in psychology and animal behavior.
Human-Animal Interactions Animal Training Animal Welfare Animal Behavior Dog Cognition