Jennifer L. Eich
Professor of Latin American Literatures, Emerita- Modern Languages and Literature - Spanish · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Colonial Spanish-American Conventual Writings 19th-Century and Contemporary Mexican Narratives and Poetry Latin American and Latina/O Women Writers
Stevo Todorcevic
Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics
Stevo Todorčević is a Serbian-French-Canadian mathematician, known for his research in Ramsey theory, and mathematical analysis.
Set Theory Ramsey theory
Kyle Walker
Associate Professor and Chair · Texas Christian University
Professor Walker specializes in population geography, cities and suburbs and demographic data visualization
Demographic Data Visualization Population Geography Data Analysis and Visualization Cities and Suburbs
Brian Ardinger
Co-founder · Econic
Forward Thoughts: Software, Technology, Marketing, & Startups. Founder @NMotionStartup, @econicco, & @theiopodcast, former CMO @Nanonation
Customer Experience Motivation Tedx Startup Acceleration Innovation & Creativity
B. Frank Gupton, Ph.D.
Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Chair in Pharmaceutical Engineering; Chair, Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Gupton's research is focused on the development of new technologies that will streamline organic synthesis
Cross-Coupling Catalysis Flow Chemistry / Continual Chemical Processing Organic Synthesis in Pharmaceutical Applications
Jennifer Watling Neal
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Jennifer Watling Neal researches how social networks can be leveraged to improve K-12 educational contexts
Social Development Dissemination and Implementation Psychology K-12 Education Social Networks
Iain Lovatt
CEO · Blue Sheep LLP
Marketer obsessed with delivering actionable customer insight for clients
Data Analysis Databases Customer Insight
Andrew Forney
Associate Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Reinforcement Learning Experimental Design Decision Theory Causal Inference Artifical Intelligence
Henry J. Donahue, Ph.D.
Alice T. and William H. Goodwin, Jr. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; BS, San Diego State University; Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara · VCU College of Engineering
Bone, mechanobiology, regenerative medicine, effects of space travel on bone and muscle, gap junctions, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast
Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Musculoskeletal Mechanobiology Space Biology and Bioengineering
Dr Sam Strong
Lecturer, Optometry · Aston University
Dr Strong's main area of research interest is visual perception, with a focus on motion processing related to optic flow.
Visual Perception Optic Flow Visual Durations Motion Processing Temporal Experience
Professor Anne-Marie Bagnall
Professor · Leeds Beckett University
Anne-Marie Bagnall delivers training to internal and external learners on how to use and produce systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Inequality Public Health Health Promotion Meta-Analysis Community Wellbeing
Alice Ba
Associate Chair and Professor, International Relations and Comparative Politics · University of Delaware
Prof. Ba researches US-China-Southeast Asia relations; institutional cooperation/competition in Asia; and regionalism.
International Relations of East and Southeast Asia ASEAN Southeast Asian Politics Chinese Foreign Policy & Relations International Relations
Dayle M. Smith, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Contact Dean Smith at
Leadership and Team Development Organizational Behavior Design Thinking and Innovation Culture Executive Coaching Organizational Communication
Eric Eskey
Managing Director · Strategyn
Eric Eskey is a Principal of Strategyn and a Practitioner of Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI).
Entrepreneurship Developing Strategy Leading Change Business Model Innovation Innovation Strategy
Dr Phil Porter
Reader in Geoscience and Geoscience Education · University Alliance
Phil studies the response of glaciers to a warming world. He’s led expeditions to some of the last true wilderness areas on our planet.
Meltwater Global Warming Geoscience Glaciers Ice Sheets
Jason Grissom
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Public Policy and Education · Vanderbilt University
An expert in K-12 leadership and policy and the impacts of school and district leaders on teacher and student outcomes.
Teacher effectiveness School Boards K-12 Administration Education Policy and Leadership teacher pay
Mark Greenhouse
Operations Management Mentor, Lean Manufacturing Consultant · Levantar
Applying Productivity and Lean Management techniques in Manufacturing, Legal, & Service companies.
Lean Manufacturing Training UK Lean Manufacturing Consulting UK Manufacturing Consulting UK Business Process Improvement Productivity Improvement
Erin Tolley
Assistant Professor of Political Science · University of Toronto
Expert on race, gender and diversity in Canadian politics
Canadian Politics Diversity Women in Politics Immigration and multiculturalism
Xiaoming Liu
MSU Foundation Professor · Michigan State University
Xiaoming Liu works on computer vision, machine learning, and biometrics, especially on face related analysis.
Deepfake Detection Biometrics Computer Vision Machine Learning Pattern Recognition
William Whittaker
Founders University Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
A field robotics pioneer, William "Red" Whittaker's research interests centers on mobile robots in unpredictable environments.
Multisensor Data Fusion Robotics in Hazerdous Application Industrial Robotics Field & Service Robotics Outdoor Mobile Robots