Timothy Shanahan, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
History & Philosophy of Science Philosophy & Film
Christine Hatch
UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,
Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change
Jagdish N. Sheth
Charles H. Kellstadt Chaired Professor of Business · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Globally known for his scholarly contributions in consumer psychology, competitive strategy, and geopolitical analysis
Consumer Psychology Global Competitive Strategy Marketing Theory Geopolitical Analysis Emerging Markets
Megh Marathe
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Megh Marathe's research seeks to foster inclusion in expert practices and technologies by centering the perspectives of marginalized people.
Medical Anthropology Disability Studies Science and Technology Studies
Carla Bittel
Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
History of Medicine and Science Gender Issues History of Women's Health Nineteenth-Century U.S. History
Kevin Dougherty, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology · Baylor University
Dr. Dougherty focuses on the impact of religion on other realms of social life such as community involvement, politics, and work
Religious Education Religion Sociology of Religion Religion Politics & Culture Facebook in Education
Billie Murray, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication; Assistant Director for Academics, Center for Peace and Justice Education | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Billie Murray, PhD, explores the timely territory of community responses to hate speech, and on issues of rhetoric and social justice.
Rhetoric and Social Justice Rhetoric of Protest Movements Community Responses to Hate Speech Civic Engagement Communication
Jeffrey Lefstin
Associate Academic Dean and Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: lefstinj@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4682 / Office 355-200
Patent Law Patent Litigation Biotechnology Contract Law Intellectual Property Law
John Hollenbeck
Professor of Management · Michigan State University
Expert in team decision-making, self-regulation theories of motivation, organizational behavior and human decision processes.
Organizational Psychology Organizational Behavior Self-Regulation Theories of Work Motivation Team Decision Making and Performance Employee Seperation and Acquisition Process
Jean Polfus
Postdoctoral Fellow · University of Manitoba
Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow working on caribou conservation in the NWT using non-invasive methods, traditional knowledge & sciart.
Ecology Ecology - Animal Movement and Space Use Conservation Biology Conservation Genetics Environmental Science
Tara Trammell
Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware
Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.
Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution
Timothy D. Golden
Professor, Lally School of Management; Area Head of Enterprise Management and Organization · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Leading researcher on remote work, telecommuting, telework, and the relationship between technology and managerial behaviors.
Work-At-Home Virtual Teams Virtual Work Telework Telecommuting
Julian Ford, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry · University of Connecticut
Director, Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice and Center for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders
Psychiatry Treatment of Trauma Trauma Stress Trauma in Children
Massimo Faggioli, PhD
Professor of Theology and Religious Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Massimo Faggioli, PhD, is an expert on the history and administrative inner workings of the Catholic Church and of the papacy.
Pope Francis Religion Catholicism and World/European Politics Historical Theology and Ecclesiology American Catholicism
Peter Savolainen
MSU Foundation Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Michigan State University
Peter Savolainen’s research examines the fundamental nature of road user behavior.
Traffic Management Infrastructure Design Transportation Economics Transportation Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Alison Cooley
Writer, Curator, Educator · Middlebrook Prize Winners
Alison Cooley is a joint winner of the 2014 Middlebrook Prize.
Art History Museum Education Contemporary Art Curatorial Projects
Susan Moffatt-Bruce
President: Lahey Hospital and Medical Center · Beth Israel Lahey Health
Susan Moffatt-Bruce leads LHMC, known for its innovative technology, pioneering medical treatment, and leading-edge research.
Thoracic Surgery Cardiac Surgery Transplantation Surgery Quality and Patient Safety
Mandy B. Korpusik
Assistant Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Spoken Dialogue Systems Natural Language Processing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Deep Learning
David Wagner, Ph.D.
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut
Professor Wagner is an expert in caterpillars, butterflies, moths, insect conservation, global insect decline
Butterflies and Moths Caterpillars Entomology Invasive Species Impacts Insects
Craig Albert, PhD
Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies · Augusta University
Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.
Political Philosophy Ethnic Conflict Influence Operations Cybersecurity Policy & Strategy International Security Studies