Anna Esselment

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science · University of Waterloo

Anna Esselment research interests include Canadian institutions, campaigns and elections, and intergovernmental relations.

Canadian Politics Partisanship Political Parties Campaigns Canadian Institutions

M. Jahi Johnson-Chappell

W. K. Kellogg Foundation Endowed Chair in Food, Society and Sustainability · Michigan State University

M. Jahi Johnson-Chappell is a political agroecologist with training in chemical engineering, ecology and evolutionary biology.

Sustainable Development Food Security Policy Anti-Hunger Efforts Sustainability Right to Food

Sergey Klimenko

Professor · University of Florida

Sergey Klimenko’s research interests include detection of gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts and as-yet-unknown systems.

Gravitational Waves Astrophysics LIGO Black Holes Space

Nicola Rohrseitz

Technology Expert · Vissee — We are, We see

Founder, CEO at ViSSee

Robotics Start-Ups Biomimicry Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Innovation & Design Thinking

Jennifer Cobbina

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Expertise is in topics on race, crime, and policing; protest movements; and prisoner reentry

Race, Crime, and Policing Gender and Crime Race and Crime Prisoner Re-entry

Professor Anne-Marie Bagnall

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Anne-Marie Bagnall delivers training to internal and external learners on how to use and produce systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Inequality Public Health Health Promotion Meta-Analysis Community Wellbeing

Mark Fenster

Professor · University of Florida

Mark Fenster is the Marshall M. Criser Eminent Scholar Chair in electronic communications and administrative law.

Administrative Law Political Extremism Non-disclosure agreements Open Government Laws Conspiracy Theories

Robert Traver, PhD

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director of the Villanova Center for Resilient Water Systems; Director of the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Robert Traver, PhD., P.E., D. WRE, F.EWRI, F.ASCE, is an expert on green stormwater infrastructure.

Stormwater Management Green Infrastructure Flooding Urban Watersheds Water Resources

Sherry Grace

Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Science · York University

Studying access to chronic cardiac care, as well as optimizing quantity and quality of life in heart patients.

Healthcare Public Health Clinical Research Heart Disease Behavioural Cardiology

Dr. Rick Kirschner

Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Bestselling Author · The Art of Change LLC

Change is inevitable, but progress is not. We help YOU make the difference!

Communication Persuasion Leadership Conflict Resolution Communication With Difficult People

Ray Toal

Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Computer Science Programming Languages Compilers and Interpreters Software Architecture Database Systems

D. Kelly Weisberg

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4678 / Office 348-200

Children and the Law Domestic Violence Juvenile Justice Family Law Wills and Trust

Robert Talisse

W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy; Chair of the Philosophy Department · Vanderbilt University

Expert in contemporary political philosophy, with a focus in democratic theory and political epistemology.

Political Philosophy Philosophy Political Allegiances in Society Pragmatism Contemporary Political Philosophy

Clark Freshman

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8804 / Office 330-200

Civil Procedure Mediation Lie Detection Deception Emotion and Law

Jason Matzke

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Jason Matzke is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Mary Washington.

Ethics Philosophy

Catherine Peters

Associate Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Philosophy of Disability Aristotle Metaphysics Thomas Aquinas Medieval Philosophy

Jayasimha Atulasimha, Ph.D.

Engineering Foundation Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Atulasimha researches nanomagnetic/spintronic memory and neuromorphic computing devices.

Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Exploratory neuromorphic devices Straintronics: Strian mediated electric field control of magnetism Electric field (VCMA) control of skyrmions Magnetic and multiferroic materials

Michael Prietula

Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Human decision making AI-Human Collaboration UX Design‎ AI Ethics Computational Modeling of Individuals and Groups

Melissa Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Pre-College Philosophy Environmental Ethics Moral Philosophy Business Ethics Philosophy

Julia DeLancey

Professor of Art History · University of Mary Washington

Dr. DeLancey is an expert in the art history of early modern Italy, 15th & 16th century Italian painting, history of art in Venice & more

History of Disabilities Pigments Color Sellers Art History of Renaissance Italy Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-century Italian Painting