Michael Thomashow

University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Is an expert on the regulation of abiotic & biotic stress tolerance pathways in plants with an emphasis on plant freezing tolerance

Biochemistry Soil and Microbial Sciences Plant Biology Molecular Biology Plants

Ozzie Zehner

Visiting Scholar · UC Berkeley

Author of Green Illusions | Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley

Alternative Energy Environmentalism Wind Power Consumer Society Walking and Biking Neighborhoods

Joshua Copeland

Adjunct Professor of Information Technology · Tulane University

Joshua Copeland is an expert in cybersecurity and information technology.

Compliance Information Technology Cybersecurity Risk Management

Ronald Stein, P.E.

Author · Energy Literacy Consultant

To educate the public to be more energy literate.

Solar and Wind Energy Fossil Fuels Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants electricity industry Renewable and Sustainable Biofuels