Susan Birkhoff, Ph.D, RN

Program Director of Technology Research & Education · ChristianaCare

Susan Birkhoff is a nurse scientist with experience conducting clinical research using various forms of digital health technology.

Technology Innovation Research Nursing Robotics

Donna Lister

Professor of nursing/Advanced Practice Registered Nurse · Southern Utah University

Specializing in nursing education and educational processes, rural health and current issues in nursing and health care.

Leadership Teaching and Learning Nursing and Health Care Long Term Health Care Historical Evolution of Nursing

Jane Paige, RN, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jane Paige is an expert in educational simulations and interprofessional education.

Interprofessional Education Nursing Education Simulation as a Teaching Methodology

Melissa Garno

Professor and Associate Chair · Georgia Southern University

Melissa Garno is an expert in mental health nursing and nursing education.

Substance Abuse Nursing Nursing Education Curriculum and Program Development Mental Health Nursing

Katherine "Kat" Collard, MS, RN-BC, NP

Chief Nursing Information Officer · ChristianaCare

Katherine Collard is the chief nursing informatics officer at ChristianaCare, responsible for systems that directly impact nurses.

Nursing Informatics Technology implementor


Vice President, Nursing Professional Excellence · ChristianaCare

Michelle Collins is a national nursing expert on successful infrastructures related to governance, strategic planning, and innovation.

Clinical Nursing Advancement Magnet Designation Virtual Acute Care Nursing Professional Governance Nursing Innovation

Deborah Chyun, Ph.D.

Professor and Dean Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Professor Chyun is an expert in the field of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Nursing

Linda Copel, PhD

Professor | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Dr. Copel, PhD, RN, CNS, BC, CNE, NCC, FAPA has extensive experience providing counseling in situations of familial and domestic violence.

Loneliness Bereavement Partner Abuse Mental Health Family Dynamics

Joan Kavanagh, MSN, RN

Associate Chief Nursing Officer, CCHS · Cleveland Clinic

Joan Kavanagh ensures that the right nurses are matched to the right jobs and that professional development keeps them engaged

Nursing and Faculty Shortage Competency Assessment Nursing as A Career Simulation in Nursing Education Preparation to Practice Gap

Sandra Citty

Clinical Associate Professor · University of Florida

As a Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center nurse researcher, Sandra Citty identifies opportunities for improvements.

Enhancing Health Outcomes Medical-Surgical Acute Care Nursing Veterans Affairs Family Health

Carol Sabel, RN, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, School of Nursing · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Carol Sabel is an expert in examining barriers to nursing students continuing education and interprofessional collaboration.

Patient Education Patient Safety Nursing Education Interprofessional Collaboration Nursing

Kelly Rossler, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Baylor University

Dissertation: Exploring Interprofessional Education through a High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulation Scenario: A Mixed Methods Study.

Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Experiential Learning Healthcare Nursing Nursing Education Critical Care

Kelly Hancock, MSN, RN, NE-BC

Executive Chief Nursing Officer, CCHS and Chief Nursing Officer, Main Campus · Cleveland Clinic

20-year veteran in healthcare and prominent nursing leader at a Magnet Status hospital

Transformational Leadership Servant Leadership Magnet and the Impact On Workforce Nursing Recruitment and Retention Nursing Quality

Cynthia Griffin, BSN, MS, RN

Chief Nursing Officer, Community Care · ChristianaCare

Cynthia Griffin is the chief nursing officer of Community Care at ChristianaCare.

Healthcare Management Nursing

Stacy Noel, MSN, FNP-BC, NC-BC, HTCP/I

Nursing Integrative Care Nurse Manager · ChristianaCare

Stacy Noel is the nursing integrative care nurse manager at ChristianaCare.

Holistic Nursing Integrative Care Healing Touch Certified Practitioner Healing Touch Certified Instructor Reiki Master

Elizabeth Burgess Dowdell, PhD

Professor and Coordinator of Undergraduate Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Elizabeth Dowdell, PhD, RN, FAAN, is an expert in the use of social media by adolescents and the health risks posed by online behaviors.

Gun Violence Internet Safety Sleep Texting Violence and Victimology Health Risk Behaviors in Children and Adolescents

Dr. Adey Nyamathi

Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine

Dr. Nyamathi conducts studies among vulnerable groups, including homeless, drug-addicted and incarcerated persons and gay/bisexual youth.

Vulnerable Populations Tuberculosis Role of Nursing Hiv/Aids Hepatitis

Ric Cuming, EdD, MSN, RN

Chief Operating Officer · ChristianaCare

Ric Cuming is responsible for professional practice, standards, research, outcomes and workforce in acute care and home health settings.

Operations Management Nursing Policy Strategy Leadership Nursing Procedures

Ruth McDermott-Levy, PhD

Professor; Co-Director, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children's Health and the Environment | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Dr. McDermott-Levy, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN is an expert in environmental health, global health, and public health nursing

Lead Exposure Climate Change Fracking and Health Immigrant Health Public Health

Patricia Bradley, PhD

Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence; Associate Professor of Nursing | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Patricia K. Bradley, PhD, RN, FAAN is a leading expert in psychiatric mental health nursing and disparities in cancer outcomes.

Breast Cancer Screening, Diagnosis and Survivorship Among African American Women Cancer Survivorship Health Disparity Psychosocial Aspects of Illness Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing