Shirlee Sharkey

CEO · Saint Elizabeth

Health executive and social innovator

Home Care Home and Community Care Home Care Public Policy Healthcare and Seniors Healthcare Transformation

Santanu Datta

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Santanu Datta's current research is focused in the areas of lung cancer screening, smoking cessation and adolescent vaping.

shared decision making for lung cancer screening Smoking Cessation Interventions Health Economics Vaping tax policy

Sarah Hooper

Executive Director of UCSF / UC Hastings Consortium and Adjunct Professor · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4831 / Office 377-200

Health Equity Health Law Comprehensive and Coordinated Care Health and Access to Civil Justice Elder Financial Abuse

Barbara Feeny, RN, MSN, NPD-BC

Nursing Professional Development Manager · ChristianaCare

Barb Feeny, RN, MSN, NPD-BC, is the nursing affiliations and undergraduate clinical placement coordinator at ChristianaCare.

Career Mentoring Student Nurses Holistic Nursing

Donna S. Havens, PhD

Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor, M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Health systems researcher Donna Havens, PhD, RN, FAAN, is a leader and an advocate for quality nursing education, practice and patient care.

Stress/Burnout of Nurses and Doctors Quality of Patient Care Nursing Practice Health Systems Research Nursing Leadership

Julian Ford, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Psychiatry · University of Connecticut

Director, Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice and Center for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders

Psychiatry Treatment of Trauma Trauma Stress Trauma in Children

Dennis Harris, MSN, MA Ed., NE

Nurse Manager · ChristianaCare

Dennis Harris is an expert in nursing and holds nurse executive certification.

Medical/Surgical Nursing Medication Education Nursing Community Health Gerontology

Amy Gorin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on long-term weight loss.

Weight Loss Maintenance Behavioral Weight Management Obesity Social Support

Sylvie Grosjean

Professeur Agrégée · Université d'Ottawa

Communication organisationnelle. Travaille sur l'implantation des systèmes d'information médicaux, la télémédecine et télésanté.

Organizational Communication Information and communication technology (ICT) Medical Information Systems Organizational Learning Collective decision-making

Julia Combs

Associate Professor of English · Southern Utah University

Specializing in the history of feminist rhetoric, seventeenth century rhetoric, and international writing centers

World Literature International Writing Centers Professional Writing and Presentations Grant Writing Seventeenth-Century Rhetoric

Michael Scullin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience · Baylor University

Professor Scullin’s research investigates how sleep physiology impacts memory, education, health, and aging.

Neuroscience Sleep Physiology Cognitive Neuroscience Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Psychology

Sheri Carey

RN-BSN Program Director and Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Sheri Carey is an expert in health care, nursing, hospitals, paediatrics, and clinical research.

Quality Improvement Evidence Based Practice Quality of Life Clinical Research Hospitals

Jennifer Dungan

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jennifer Dungan's expertise is identifying human genetic markers for heart disease and precision cardiovascular health strategies.

Women’s Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease Genetics

Sunny G. Hallowell, PhD

Associate Professor | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Sunny G. Hallowell, PhD, APRN, PPCNP-BC is an expert in human milk and lactation, neonatal care, and children’s health policy.

Healthcare Simulation/VR Lactation Consultation Perinatal Outcomes Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Workforce Issues

E. Alison Holman

Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine

E. Alison Holman studies the early post-event predictors of co-morbid trauma-related mental and physical health problems.

Physical health Acute Stress Acute Stress & Cardiovascular Disease Psychological Trauma Media Exposure

James Plečnik, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Accounting, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Academic Director, MSA/MST

U.S. Tax Policy Tax Avoidance/Planning Applied Ethics

Michelle Kelly, PhD

Co-director, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children's Health and the Environment and Associate Professor | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Michelle Kelly, PhD, CRNP, is an expert in children's health, neonatal intensive care, and long-term health effects of premature birth.

Premature Births Neonatal Intensive Care Children's Health Pediatrics Nurse Practitioner Education

Lyndsay Green

Sociologist · Independent

Lyndsay Green is a sociologist and researcher who has spent her career helping people use communications technologies for learning

Sociology Communication Retirement Education Aging and Elderly Parenting and Technology

Professor Claire Surr

Professor of Dementia Studies and Director of the Centre for Dementia Research · Leeds Beckett University

Her research addresses care and support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

General Hospitals Social Care Patient Support Carers Dementia

Tabassum Salam, M.D., MBA, FACP

Chief Learning Officer · ChristianaCare

Dr. Salam is an internal medicine physician and chief learning officer for ChristianaCare.

Leadership Development Healthcare Management Medical Education Internal Medicine