Felicia Tomasko

Instructor · Loyola Marymount University

Gokila Dorai, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Dorai’s area of expertise is mobile/IoT forensics research and developing a targeted data extraction system for digital forensics.

Algorithms Mobile Computing loT forensics research Mobile Research Digital Crimes

Steve Metraux

Associate Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration; Director Center for Community Research & Service · University of Delaware

Prof. Metraux has over two decades of experience with research and policy work on homelessness, affordable housing and eviction.

Homelessness Housing Affordabiilty Veteran Homelessness Affordable Housing Eviction

Danielle Weber, MSN, MSM, RN-BC, NEA-BC

Chief Nurse Executive · ChristianaCare

Danielle Weber is the chief nurse executive at ChristianaCare.

Caregiver Engagement Healthcare Management

Susan Mascioli, MS, BSN, RN

Vice President of Nursing Quality & Safety · ChristianaCare

Susan Mascioli, MS, BSN, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ, LSSBB, CPPS is the Vice President of Nursing Quality & Safety at ChristianaCare.

Leadership Healthcare Administration Lean Six Sigma

Moeness Amin, PhD

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director of the Center for Advanced Communications | Villanova College of Engineering · Villanova University

Moeness Amin, PhD, is an expert in the theory of signal and array processing with applications to radar, sonar, and communications

Smart Antennas Radar Radar Imaging Sonar Surveillance

Mark Kossick

Professor · Western Carolina University

Mark Kossick has been on faculty at several universities and has lectured extensively across the country over the last 25 years.

Cardiovascular Monitoring Research Pathophysiology Cardiovascular Anatomy Physiology

Sheelagh Stewart, MPH, BSN, OCN

Nurse Manager · ChristianaCare

Sheelagh Stewart is a Nurse Manager for the Breast Center/Cancer Program/Outpatient Infusion Services at ChristianaCare Union Hospital.

Ann Painter, MSN, RN

President of ChristianaCare HomeHealth · ChristianaCare

Ann Painter is an expert in the home health, hospice care, adult day services, and wellness programs.

Wellness Programs Hospice Care Home Health Community Services Adult Day Services

Deanne McCarthy

CEO · Swiftsure Innovations

Improving patient outcomes by preventing hospital acquired infections.

Hospital Acquired Infections Oral Care Healthcare Critical Care

Gina Veloni, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty - Infant & Early Childhood Development - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Utilizing RS and IMH principles to support the multi-complexities of systems and families in communities

Infant Mental Health Consultation and Training Reflective Supervision Consultation and Training

Diane McQuaig

Innovation Keynote Speaker · McQuaig & Company

Are You Paid To Think? Recognize your thinking style, manage the voice of caution, defer judgment and generate brand new ideas on demand!

Six Thinking Hats Think Smarter Not Harder

Shari Hughson

Director, Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation · Smith School of Business, Queen's University

Entrepreneur, Corporate & Social Innovator, Passionate about sustainable wellness for people & the planet.

Sustainable Lifestyles Adventure Travel Entrepreneurship Innovation Senior Aging At Home

Lori Foroozandeh

Author · Author

Speaker for WOMENS rights EVERYWHERE: Domestic Violence, Childhood sexual abuse, fighting for Womens Rights in IRAN!!!

Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Laws and Culture in Iran (What to Avoid) Domestic Violence (Sharing and Motivation) Islam Muslim

Carolyn Haines

Director, Nurse Managed Primary Care Center · University of Delaware

Haines’ interest areas include chronic care management of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and women’s health

Chronic Care Management Acute Care Management Women’s Health Hypertension Hyperlipidemia

Dennis Cheek

Abell-Hanger Professor of Gerontological Nursing · Texas Christian University

Dr. Cheek's interest include women and cardiovascular disease, pharmacogenomics and cortisol measurement.

Cortisol Measurement Endothelial Dysfunction Cardiovascular Disease Pharmacogenomics

Loureen Smart Downes, Ph.D.

Expert in healthy lifestyle behaviors · Florida Gulf Coast University

Loureen Downes researches physical activity, nutrition and chronic disease prevention.

Lifestyle Medicine Nutrition Disease Prevention Type 2 diabetes and diabetes self-management education

Patrice Rosenthal, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Scholar-practitioner focused on organization behavior and change in nonprofit organizations

Gender Issues in Organizations Emotional Labor in Service Work The Client-Service Provider Interface Evaluation of Change Programs in Private and Nonprofit Organizations Customer Discourses in Public Sector Management

Mary Michele Little

Founder and CEO · One Chic Mama, Inc.

Empowering Women through Personal Style

Style Self Image Beauty Branding

Lisiane Pruinelli

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Lisiane Pruinelli’s research uses data and clinical informatics applications to help improve patient outcomes.

Causal Inference Disease Trajectories Artificial Intelligence Clinical Informatics Machine Learning