Pamela Grothe
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Grothe's research focuses on climate change, specializing in past climates.
Oceanography Global Warming Climate Change Science Atmospheric Science Geology
Hannes Baumann, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut
Hannes Baumann is an expert in coastal fish ecology and effects of marine climate change
Evolution Oceanography Marine Science Fish Populations Marine Climate Change
Arthur Trembanis
Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Trembanis research focuses on understanding beaches for resilience and mapping the seafloor using robots to develop the Blue Economy.
Seafloor Mapping Coastal Erosion and Morphodynamics Hurricanes and Nor'easters Underwater Robots Shipwrecks
Carlos Moffat
Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.
ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions
Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)
Research Scientist & iNaturalist
Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation
Jennifer Biddle
Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Biddle's research interests include microbial ecology of marine systems, deep biosphere life, benthic archaea and bacteria.
Geobiology Deep Biosphere Life Microbial Ecology Marine Systems Benthic Archaea and Bacteria
Stephen Kajiura, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
He studies the sensory biology and behavior of sharks and their relatives as well as their seasonal migrations in southeast Florida.
Telemetry Rays Shark Behavior Sensory Biology Elasmobranchs
Sara Harris
Professor of Teaching, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences · University of British Columbia
Sara Harris's current research explores how people learn climate science.
Science Education Climate Change Energy Systems and Public Policy University Teaching Public Speaking
Andrea Grottoli
Professor | School of Earth Sciences · The Ohio State University
Climate change expert, specializing in coral responses to climate change and reconstructing oceanographic conditions
Coral Reefs Paleoceanography Biogeochemistry
Jessica Warren
Professor, Earth Science · University of Delaware
Dr. Warren's research focuses on plate tectonics and mantle dynamics.
Plate Tectonics Rheology Mantle Geochemistry Peridotites
Aaron Carlisle
Assistant Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Carlisle research focuses on how the environment and organismal biology interact to influence the ecology of species.
Stable Isotope Ecology Evolutionary Biology Physiological Ecology Marine Fishes Biological Sciences
Richard Aronson, Ph.D.
Department Head | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Aronson's research combines paleontology and ecology to reconstruct the response of marine communities to environmental changes.
Marine Biology Coral-Reef Ecology Ecology Paleobiology Antarctica
Scott Wallace
Associate Professor of Journalism · University of Connecticut
Scott Wallace is a bestselling author, photojournalist and educator who covers the environment and vanishing cultures worldwide.
Central America Amazon Rainforest Brazil Indigenous Cultures Uncontacted Tribes
Charles Yarish, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Yarish is an expert in marine macroalgae, coastal management, and commercial uses for seaweed for food, nutraceuticals, and biofuels.
Biofuel Cosmeceuticals Applied Genomics Ecology Marine Macroalgae
Joleah Lamb
Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · UC Irvine
Joleah Lamb studies natural buffers for mitigating infectious diseases that threaten coral reefs in coastal regions.
Coral Reefs Ecosystems Conservation Biology Ocean Health Ocean Pollution Disease Ecology
Joshua Voss, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Joshua Voss's areas of interest include coral reef ecology, coral health and disease, molecular ecology, marine conservation and management.
Coral Health and Disease Coral Reef Ecosystems Marine Conservation Molecular Ecology Coral Reef Ecology
Angela Chao
Chair and CEO · Foremost Group
Angela Chao is an international executive, public speaker, mentor and philanthropist.
Shipping Maritime
Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Jeanette Wyneken is an expert in vertebrate morphology, physiological ecology, behavioral ecology, and marine conservation biology.
Marine Conservation Biology Physiological Ecology Vertebrate Morphology Behavioral Ecology
Jane Landers
Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of History · Vanderbilt University
Expert on digital archives and the history of Colonial Latin America, slavery, early American black history.
Africa Colonial Latin America Caribbean History Comparative Slave Systems The Atlantic World
Mark Axelrod
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Mark Axelrod's teaching and research center around international and comparative environmental governance, with a focus on justice outcomes.
Environmental Policy Environmental Justice