Bikash Sahay
Research Associate Professor · University of Florida
Bikash Sahay's research focuses on gut microbiology and immunology.
Cancer Infectious Diseases Probiotic-Engineering and Application Lyme Disease Gut-Microbiota
Yonghui Wu
Director/Associate Professor · University of Florida
Yonghui Wu’s research is in computer science and biomedical informatics to develop medical artificial intelligence to solve medical problems
Data Science Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Drug Repurposing
Guy Powell
President and Founding Partner · ProRelevant
Marketing Strategist, Brand Strategist, Marketing ROI, Social Media ROI
Marketing Roi Brand Strategy Social Media Roi
Kim Walsh-Childers
Professor/Chair · University of Florida
Kim Walsh-Childers' research focuses include news coverage of health issues and mass media effects on individual health and health policy.
Science Communication Health Communication Ethics Editing Professional Responsibility
Randy Weinstein, PhD
Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning; Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering · Villanova University
Randy Weinstein, PhD, is an authority on chemical engineering and an expert on teaching and learning methods in higher ed.
Teaching and Learning Methods Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Flipped Learning Chemical Engineering Problems Surface Science
Judy Scheel
Executive Director · Cedar Associates
Mental health professional with a passion for helping those with eating disorders; takes relational approach to healing ED issues.
Eating Disorders Attachment Theory Therapeutic Approaches to Eating Disorders
Ramzi Salloum
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Ramzi Salloum’s research focuses on the implementation and dissemination of evidence-based practices, especially in cancer prevention.
Learning Health Systems Global Health Implementation Science Tobacco Control Cancer
Professor of Medicine · Michigan State University
Take care of HIV/AIDS patients as well as Hepatitis C, B patients at 3 sites in Michigan
Hepatitis C Hiv/Aids Hepatitis B
Michael Mullan
Biomedical researcher · Roskamp Institute
A biomedical researcher of the beta amyloid protein and its relation to Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer's Disease
Marshall Jones
Assistant Professor and Director | School of Psychology · Florida Tech
Dr. Jones is a recognized innovator in public safety and law enforcement, both as a practitioner and applied researcher.
Organizational Behavior Implicit Bias Training Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures Leadership Pathfinding Leadership Development
Shira Shafir
Senior Lecturer in Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Coronavirus Epidemiology Infectious Diseases COVID-19
Judith Radasch Stickler
Author · Archway Publishing
Using Full Circle: A Witness to Healing through Science and Faith and Just Plain Living for prevention of and healing from sexual assault.
Trauma Including Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma and Recovery Healing From Abuse Healing Childhood Trauma Public Speaking
Shaun Hays
Speaker, Cosultant, Author, Artist · Shaun Hays Presentations
Exciting and relevant keynote speaker / world renown speed chalk artist - unforgettable!
Healthy Life Choices Overcoming Challenges Success Attitude! Motivation
Bill Wright
Owner · MyCoachBill
I work with professionals in obtaining life work balance
Life Work-Balance
Philip La Duke
Safety Iconoclast & Culture Transformation Architect · ERM
One of the most informative, entertaining, and engaging speakers you're likely to ever find
Talent & Gamification Talent Management Cross generational training and management Planning Corporate Culture
S. Megan Berthold, Ph.D., LCSW
Associate Professor and Director of Field Education · University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Prof. Berthold's clinical and research expertise is with refugee and asylum seeking survivors of torture and the Cambodian genocide.
Trauma and Recovery refugees and asylum seekers vicarious trauma and resilience human rights approach to social work co-ocurring health and mental health conditions post torture and genocide
Ryan Charles
CEO · Consmr
Mobile Expert and Entrepreneur
Mobile Reviews Consumer Packaged Goods Entrepreneurship Food
Steven Redpath
Director and Lead Physiotherapist · Fitfor/Life Physiotherapy Belfast
Director and Lead Physiotherapist at Fitfor/Life Physiotherapy Belfast
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sport and Exercise Medicine Orthopedic Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Sports Injuries
T.S. Harvey
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in cross-cultural doctor-patient interactions, public health communications, disaster relief and crisis management.
North America Medical Anthropology Sanitation Environmental Protection Global Public Health