Kirstin Braithwaite
Associate Professor of International Relations · Michigan State University
Kirstin Braithwaite specializes in international relations and is interested in questions of nationalism, identity and military conflict.
Civil-military Relations Nationalism and Identity Military Conflict Conflict Processes & War Civil War
Candela Marini, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Candela Marini’s areas of expertise include Latin American Studies and Visual Culture.
Spanish History Illustrated Press Photography Visual Culture
Craig Albert, PhD
Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies · Augusta University
Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.
Political Philosophy Ethnic Conflict Influence Operations Cybersecurity Policy & Strategy International Security Studies
Charli Carpenter
Professor of Political Science and Director of Human Security Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Charli Carpenter's teaching and research interests include the protection of civilians, laws of war and humanitarian affairs.
International Relations World Politics Children Born of War Global Issue Networks Laws of War
Frank Costigliola, D.Phil.
Distinguished Professor, Department of History · University of Connecticut
Distinguished Professor specializing in modern history, United States foreign relations, and the United States in the 20th century.
Modern History American History Twentieth Century History U.S. Foreign Relations History
Francis Galgano, PhD
Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Francis A. Galgano, PhD, specializes in coastal geography and military geography.
Piracy Environmental security Environmental Change Geophysical Processes Military Geography
Kyle William Bishop
Chair and Professor of English Department · Southern Utah University
Specializing in British Gothic literature, film and television studies, cinematic adaptation, and pop culture
Video Games Visual Literacy Saxophone American Studies Music
Robert Taylor, Ph.D.
Dean | College of Psychology and Liberal Arts · Florida Tech
Dr. Taylor's research focuses on 19th- and 20th-century America, the American South, U.S. military history, and 20th-century Europe.
History of the Space Age Florida's Governors D-Day American Military Leadership Civil War
Anna Nagurney
Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, Isenberg School of Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anna Nagurney studies network systems with applications including congested urban transportation networks, disaster relief and supply chains
War in in Ukraine and supply issues Cold Chain Logistics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Sustainable Supply Chains COVID-19 and supply chains
Charles Venator-Santiago, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Venator-Santiago is an expert in US territorial law and policy with a focus on the history of citizenship
Nation-State building in the Americas Political Theory Latino Politics Puerto Rico/US Law Territorial Legal History Public Law
David R. Dorondo
Professor · Western Carolina University
David R. Dorondo's research interests include the history of the European cavalry and the military horse.
European Diplomatic History Military Horse European Cavalry History Modern European History
Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jayati Ghosh is one of India's best-known economists and a frequent commentator and writer about a wide range of issues.
Economics and the Developing World Economy of India India Asian Political Economy Gender and Care Work
George Alessandria
Professor of Economics · University of Rochester
Alessandria is an expert on international finance and international trade.
International Trade Macro Economics International Finance
Jason James
Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology · University of Mary Washington
Jason James' research comes out of a fascination and dismay at the power of collective identities with nations, ethnic groups, and "races."
Anthropology Sociology German Studies Nationalism Tourism
Paul Steege, PhD
Associate Professor of History | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Paul Steege, PhD, is a go-to expert on twentieth-century Germany and researches the history of violence in everyday life.
World Cup Cold War History of Violence History of Soccer Nazi Germany
Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.
Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut
Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction
Feminism Abolition Slavery
Samuel Redman
Professor of History and Director of Public History Program · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sam Redman is best known for his work on the history of museums, especially the history of anthropology and archaeology.
History of Museums Public History Oral History Historical Research Methodology Memory and Cultural Heritage
Alexis Dudden, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of History · University of Connecticut
Professor of History specializing in modern Japan and Korea, and international history.
History/Memory Modern Korea Modern Japan Territorial Disputes Japan-Korea Relations
Ina Ganguli
Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ina Ganguli looks at how individuals acquire and use their skills, particularly on science and innovation, immigration and gender issues.
Gender Disparities in Labor Markets International Migration of Students and Scientists Formation of Scientific Collaboration Economics of Science & Innovation Labor Economics
Jan Krulick-Belin
Writer · Retired Art and Jewelry Historian
I currently freelance lecture on the book, and a variety of art history and jewelry history topics.
Fashion and Jewelry Museum Curation Jewelry History Art History Museum Education