Gregory DeFreitas

Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy · Hofstra University

Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.

Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development

Yue Hillon

Professor · Western Carolina University

Yue Hillon's research interests include strategy, socio-economic performance management and action research.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Organizational Development and Change Management Socio-Economic Performance Management Strategy Action Research

Stephanie Sipe

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Sipe researches university students’ perceptions of gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace

Fraud Corporate Fraud and Whistleblowers Employment Law Sexual Harassment Business and Employment Law

Sherri Sue Fisher

Author, Manager, and Member · TimerDiet, LLC

Live, Love, and Enjoy-Keep your weight exactly where you want it!

Weight Loss and Maintenance Workplace Eating Travel and Entertainment Eating

Daniel Cornfield

Professor of Sociology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the American labor movement, the creative class, and work and occupation issues generally.

labor & employment Creative Class Unionization Labor Unions Musicians

Rosanne Dausilio

President · Human Technologies Global Inc

Experienced international speaker known as the 'champion for the human' who streamlines customer service and increases sales.

How to Take the Pulse of Your Company Measure and Improve First Call Resolultion

Mark Bishop

Associate Professor and Director · University of Florida

Mark Bishop is an associate professor and the director of the doctor of physical therapy program.

Joint-Biased Manual Therapy Musculoskeletal Pain Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Patient Expectations Pain Rehabilitation

Timothy D. Golden

Professor, Lally School of Management; Area Head of Enterprise Management and Organization · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading researcher on remote work, telecommuting, telework, and the relationship between technology and managerial behaviors.

Work-At-Home Virtual Teams Virtual Work Telework Telecommuting

Lindsay Collier

President · Creative Edge Associates

Highly experienced, unique, and entertaining speaker on topics related to creativity, innovation, and humor in organizations.

Humor in the Workplace Creativity and Innovation in Your Work and Life Dealing With Loss in Your Life

Charles Opong

Lecturer of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Eli Singer

CEO, Advisor, Investor · NearNow

Mentor Coach for Neurodivergent Leaders & Technology Entrepreneurs

Artifical Intelligence Executive & Leadership Coaching ADHD Venture Capital Thought Leadership

Dayle M. Smith, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Contact Dean Smith at

Leadership and Team Development Organizational Behavior Design Thinking and Innovation Culture Executive Coaching Organizational Communication

Ian/epredator Hughes

Metaverse Evanagelist · Feeding Edge Ltd

Metaverse Evangelist, TV presenter, taking a bite out of technology so you don't have to. Mixing tech with social change

Metaverse Virtual Worlds 3d Printing Maker Culture Kids Technology

Roberto Joseph

Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology · Hofstra University

Specialist in Technology in the Classroom

Educational Technology Gaming and App Development as a K-12 Teaching Tool Culture, Learning and Technology

Shauna Marshall

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8922 / Office 603A-200

Race, Racism and American Law Public Interest Lawyering Rebellious Lawyering

Robert G von Kampen PhD

President · RAPSD, LLC [rap-suh-dee]

Consultant - Expert

Program Management Psychometrics Problem Solving Leadership Addiction

Martha Buell

Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware

Research focuses on policies related to early childhood care and education.

Teacher Education Teacher Development Literacy Development Early Childhood Education Childcare

Laura Doering

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management

Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries

Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics

Judi Shade Monk

Instructional Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Judi Shade Monk leverages over two decades of cross-disciplinary architectural practice in her collaborative, policy, and research efforts.

Qualitative Design Material Evaluation Design Communication Design Thinking Color Theory and Relativity

Amir Erez

Professor · University of Florida

Amir Erez studies the effects of how positive moods and personality influence individuals through processes, motivation and work behaviors.

Negative Work Behaviors Positive Work Behaviors Business Management Positive Moods Negotiation