Ralph Carter

Piper Professor, Political Science · Texas Christian University

Professor Carter focuses on U.S. foreign, trade, and defense policy, with a particular emphasis on the roles played by members of Congress.

International Relations U. S. Foreign Policy in Film Middle East Russia North Korea

Christopher Fettweis

Associate Professor · Tulane University

Christopher Fettweis researches international relations and US foreign policy

Strategy and Politics International Security International Relations Us Foreign Policy Weapons of Mass Destruction

Kelly Shannon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Executive Director, Center for Peace, Justice, & Human Rights (PJHR) · Florida Atlantic University

Kelly Shannon, Ph.D., specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations with the Islamic world and women's human rights.

Diplomatic History Women's Rights Modern Islamic World 20th Century U.S. U.S. Foreign Relations

Muqtedar Khan

Professor, Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware

Prof. Khan researches and teaches Islam, governance and international relations.

Islamic Political Philosophy Global Islamic Movements Islam in America Jihadism Sufism

Jennifer M. Ramos

Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of Global Learning, Office of International Programs and Partnerships · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

International Relations International Norms Us Foreign Policy International Security Preventive Use of Force

Paul C. Rosier, PhD

Professor of History; Director, Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Paul C. Rosier, PhD, is an expert in American history, global environmental history, and American environmental history.

History Sustainability Studies Global Environmental History American History American Environmental History

Stuart Kaufman

Professor, Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware

Prof. Kaufman specializes in U.S. national security and foreign policy, Russian foreign policy, the war in Ukraine and nuclear strategy.

U.S. National Security U.S. Foreign Policy Ethnic Conflict War in Iraq Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

George Little

Partner, Head of Office, Washington, D.C. · Brunswick Group

George Little specializes in crisis communications, cybersecurity, reputational and public affairs matters.

International Relations Crisis Communication Counter Terrorism American Politics and Government Media Relations

Christian Appy

Professor of History and Director of the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christian Appy has written three books on the Vietnam War and heads the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy

The Vietnam War Whistle-blowers Daniel Ellsberg U.S. Foreign Policy 20th and 21st Century U.S. History

Robert Rabil, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Robert Rabil is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations.

U.S. Foreign Policy Reform in the Arab world U.S.-Arab Relations Terrorism Political Islam

Marc Gallicchio, PhD

Professor and Mary M. Birle Chair in History | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Marc Gallicchio, PhD, is an expert on World War II, U.S. foreign relations, East Asia, modern military history and modern U.S. history.

History Modern Military History U.S. Foreign Policy Modern U.S. History World War II

David Mednicoff

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Public Policy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

David Mednicoff is an expert in law, politics and policy in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

Middle Eastern, Comparative, and International Law and Politics U.S. Foreign Policy Human Rights Refugee Politics

Thomas Schwartz

Distinguished Professor of History · Vanderbilt University

Historian of U.S. foreign policy, international relations and U.S. presidencies.

Henry Kissinger American Foreign Relations Modern European History International Relations History of U.S. Foreign Policy

Thomas Garrett

Vice President · International Republican Institute

20 years work on democracy in Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia

Democracy Assistance in U.S. Foreign Policy

Randall Stone

Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester

Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.

International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe

Paul Fritz

Associate Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Fritz specializes in international relations, with concentrations on international security and US foreign and defense policy.

Foreign Policy Political Science Terrorism International Security International Relations

Haroon Ullah

Policy Planning Staff · U.S. Department of State

A scholar, diplomat and author of widely acclaimed Bargain From The Bazaar and Vying for Allah's Vote. Visit haroonullah.com.

Public Policy Pakistan Diplomacy International Relations Foreign Policy

Matt Zierler

Associate Professor of International Relations · Michigan State University

An expert in U.S. foreign policy, international security, international relations theory, international law and international cooperation.

International Relations Libya France Terrorism Turkey

Jeremy Pressman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Political Science, Director of Middle East Studies · University of Connecticut

Dr. Pressman specializes in the Arab-Israeli peace process, US foreign policy, and the scope of political protests in the United States.

Political Protests Middle East Peace Process Arab-Israeli Conflict

Robert Brathwaite

Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Robert Brathwaite's teaching and research interests include international security, terrorism and cyberwarfare.

Cyberwarfare International Security Terrorism Religioius Violence Civil Wars