Ruogu Fang

Associate Professor/Associate Director · University of Florida

Ruogu Fang works on artificial intelligence-empowered precision brain health and brain/bio-inspired AI.

Brain Informatics Neuroimaging Precision Intervention Deep Learning Medical Image Analysis

Meghan Huber

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Meghan Huber's research focuses on understanding how humans and robots can learn from their physical interaction

Exoskeletons Bioengineering Biomedical Engineering Robotics Human-Robot Interaction

Roger Dooley

Author & International Keynote Speaker · Dooley Direct LLC

Better Marketing With Brain Science

Neuromarketing Marketing Sales

Aaditya Ramdas

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Aaditya Ramdas' research is aimed at solving basic problems in science and technology.

Selective And Simultaneous Inference Artificial Intelligence Data Science Statistics Machine Learning

Chéla Willey

Assistant Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Belleramine College of Liberal Arts

perceptual and motor learning visual-vestibular integration and coordination sensation and perception multisensory perception cognitive reflection and decision-making

Aysegul Gunduz

Professor · University of Florida

Aysegul Gunduz is a biomedical engineer who works with neurosurgical patients and records brain signals to treat motor and mental disorders.

Artificial Intelligence Psychiatric Disorders Brain Mapping Brain-Computer Interfaces Neuromodulation

Nicolas Thaler

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts


Christopher Kanan

Associate Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester

Christopher Kanan's research focuses on deep learning and Artificial Intelligence AI

AI and Machine Learning Applied Machine Learning (e.g. Medical Computer Vision) Language-guided Scene Understanding Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning

Gordon Mitchell

Professor & Director · University of Florida

Gordon Mitchell is a preeminence professor of neuroscience in the department of physical therapy and McKnight Brain Institute.

Cellular mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia induced spinal respiratory motor plasticity Compensatory respiratory plasticity in motor neuron disease (ALS) Inflammation and spinal plasticity Developmental plasticity Intermittent hypoxia and brain function

Paulina Hill

Principal · Omega Funds

Paulina Hill is a healthcare investor who has expertise in biotechnology, molecular biology, cell culture and entrepreneurship.

Venture Capital Chemistry Technology Transfer Biochemistry Lifesciences

Maoyu Zhang

Post-Doctoral Fellow in Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Nonparametric Statistics Tensor data analysis Networks and graphs Statistical depth

Daniel Ferris

Professor · University of Florida

Daniel Ferris studies how humans move, focusing on both neuroscience and biomechanics, including individuals in health and disability.

Robotic Exoskeletons Electroencephalography Biomechanics of Human Movement Neural Control Human-machine Interfaces

Lara Pilutti

Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences · University of Ottawa

The goal of our research is to optimize the accessibility of exercise for people with multiple sclerosis to maximize health-related benefits

Exercise Physical Activity and Health Exercise and chronic diseases Multiple Sclerosis Kinesiology

Laura Thompson, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Effects of womb environment and maternal social factors on Infant learning; Effects of stress on cognition in infants and adults

Stress Self-Regulation Attention Working Memory Infant Learning

Sushma Subramanian

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Subramanian is a journalist whose topics take her to the far reaches of the world.

Blogging Print Journalism Journalism Science Journalism

Daniele Piomelli

Distinguished Professor · UC Irvine

Daniele Piomelli's research is focused on the function of lipid-derived messengers, with particular emphasis on endogenous cannabinoids.

Anatomy & Neurobiology Cellular Pharmacology CBD Marijuana Neuropharmacology

Alexandra Sturm

Assistant Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Developmental Psychology Executive Function ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorders Psychometrics

J.D. Gershbein

CEO / Master LinkedIn Consultant · Owlish Communications

Inspiring people and companies in all walks of business to learn LinkedIn and discover how to leverage it for revenue generation

Linkedin for Sales and Marketing Social Communication Personal Branding Social Neuromarketing Linkedin Profile

Professor Nigel Crook

Professor of AI and Robotics and Founding Director of the Institute for Ethical AI · Oxford Brookes University

His work addresses how to equip artificially intelligent robotic systems with moral competence.

Neurocomputing Trust Artificial Intelligence Ethical AI Moral Robots

Stacy Drury, MD

Remigio Gonzalez MD Endowed Professorship of Child Psychiatry, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Vice Chair of Research, Department of Pediatrics · Tulane University

Drury explores how early life adversity interacts with genetic and epigenetic factors to shape child health and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Telomeres Health Disparities Pediatric Medicine Child Psychiatry Genetics