Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.

Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut

Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction

Feminism Abolition Slavery

Bruce Morrill

Edward A. Malloy Chair of Catholic Studies · Vanderbilt University

A Roman Catholic Priest and Jesuit whose scholarship focuses on liturgy and sacraments and political theologies.

Easter Cultural Anthropology Sacramental Theology Suffering Roman Catholicism

Aidin Namin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Marketing Analytics Data Analytics Modeling Econometrics Retailing

Robert Lindeman

Sleep Consultant · Robert Lindeman Sleep Consultant

Robert Lindeman is a Lay Leader at his Synagogue, Congregation Kehillath Israel.

Community Religion Volunteering Sailing Acapella

Dr. Marty Makary

Physician, Researcher, Author, Medical Commentator · Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health

This won't hurt a bit! In fact, your audience will say "Ahh" when a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine physician and author is at the podium

Minimally-Invasive Surgery Health Services Research Cancer Therapy Health Policy Access to Healthcare

Leanna Giancarlo

Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington

Leanna Giancarlo is a Professor of Chemistry and commentator on the portrayal of science in media and popular culture.

STEM Education Science Education Science and Popular Culture Chemistry

Mimi Ito

Professor in Residence Informatics · UC Irvine

Mizuko Ito is a cultural anthropologist of technology use, focusing on children and youth's changing relationships to media.

Media and Communications Anthropology Children/Video Games Technology

John Naples


John Naples brings infectious energy, customized content & practical techniques. Your audience will be challenged, equipped and empowered!

Sales Strategy Coaching for High Performance Building A Leadership Culture Empowerment & Motivation Negotiating

David Christensen

Professor of Accounting · Southern Utah University

Specializing in earned value project management, the history of accounting principles, and the profitability analysis of accounting

Cost & Management Accounting Accounting Accounting Ethics Accounting; Ethics Scandals and Moral Exemplars Accounting; Profitabilty Analysis

Katherine Wikoff, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Katherine Wikoff focuses her work on user experience, technical communication, humanities and literature.

User Experience Technical Communication Humanities Literature Higher Education

Eric Termuende

Founder · Now Innovations

Author, speaker, and entrepreneur focused on people and work

People and Culture Millennials Generation Y Talent Attraction

Dr. Marianne Mader

Managing Director, Earth & Space/Fossils & Evolution, Royal Ontario Museum · Co-Founder & Board Member, STEAMLabs Community Makerspace

Cultivating curiosity. Inspiring passion for exploration. Empowering people to engage with science & tech.

Space Exploration Planetary Science Science Communication Maker Culture STEAM Education

Wesley Longhofer

Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Executive Academic Director, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organizational Sociology Business and Society Social Enterprise Philanthropy and Non-Profits Climate Change

Robert Foster

Professor of Anthropology and Visual and Cultural Studies, Richard L. Turner Professor of Humanities · University of Rochester

Robert Foster is an expert on globalization and material culture. His focus has been on Papua New Guinea

Lewis Henry Morgan Melanesia Commercial Media Globalization Material Culture

Leslie Yerkes

President / Founder · Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc.

Thought Leader, Consultant, Author and Speaker on creating organizational cultures that fully engaged the best of the whole person.

Managing for Motivation - Beyond Kicks and Carrots Managing the Generations; the Ins and Outs of Intergenerational Motivation 10 Tips for Finding Your Balance When the World is Rocking and Rolling! Developing Advanced Workplace Culture Leadership Teamwork and Change

Lawrence A. Tritle

Professor Emeritus of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Comparative War and Violence Vietnam War Impact of Violence On Culture and Society Greek and Roman History Study of War and Violence

Joseph Lennon, PhD

Director, Center for Irish Studies & Associate Dean, International and Interdisciplinary Initiatives | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Joseph Lennon, PhD, is an expert in Irish hunger strikes, India and Ireland relationships and contemporary Irish issues.

Hunger Strikes English Literature Irish Studies Irish Culture

Walter Hawthorne

Professor and chairperson of MSU’s Department of History · Michigan State University

Expert in African history, history of slavery and slave trade

The Slave Trade Brazil Upper Guinea Atlantic The History of Slavery

Simon Anderson

Applied Foresight Keynote Speaker · Venture Foresight LLC

Keynote Speaker | Applied Foresight Consultant | Award-Winning Author

Keynote Speaking Future of Work Emerging Technology Future Trends Transportation

Kelly Tyler Byrnes

Founder of the All-In Movement™ · The All-In Way

Consults, speaks, and writes on how to improve business performance by aligning stakeholder focus

Stakeholder Alignment Business Growth Employee Engagement Customer Service Corporate Culture