Heather Walsh-Haney, Ph.D.
Expert in forensic studies and human rights · Florida Gulf Coast University
Heather Walsh-Haney teaches forensic science and regularly assists law enforcement finding and studying remains in Florida
Ground-penetrating radar Trauma Analysis Witness Testimony Child Abuse Forensics
Julie A. Hoggarth, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Baylor University
Researcher and teacher seeking to cultivate an understanding of the distinct ways of life of ancient populations
Radiocarbon dating Environmental Archaeology Art History Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Archaeology
Alexandra Shakespeare
Senior Lecturer in Publishing · University Alliance
Alexandra Shakespeare is Senior Lecturer in Publishing and Journalism for the Oxford International Centre for Publishing.
Lifestyle Media Consumer Media Digital Transformation of Media Journalism Media
Destenie Nock
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Destenie Nock uses mathematical modeling tools to address societal problems related to sustainability planning, energy policy and equity.
Electricity and Food Systems Decision Analysis Energy Transitions Electrical Infrastructure Engineering for Social Good
Sarah Marsden Greene
Lecturer, Economics · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
An economist focused on economics education and ecological economics of climate change policies.
Timber trade Environmental Economics and Policy Ecological Economics Economics Education
Suresh Patel
A global senior executive with a focus on the International markets
Market Analysis Business Plan Execution Sales Leadership Training Deal Structuring and Syndication Legal Term Sheet and Private Placement Agreements
Professor Tim Thompson
Professor of Applied Biological Anthropology · University Alliance
His area of expertise is in the decomposition of human remains after death - with interest in what happens when a skeleton or body is burnt.
Burnt Bodies Skeletons Forensics Forensic Anthropology Human Remains
Andrea Schlaerth, Ph.D., PMP, sHRBP
Clinical Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Michael O'Sullivan
Professor Emeritus of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Vice Provost of Academic Affairs at Loyola Marymount University.
Psychology Education Philosophy
Steve Willson
Partner · Panoptika Inc.
Moderator, Qualitative Researcher, Customer Understanding Specialist, Innovation Games Facilitator, Value Builder
Qualitative Research Meeting Facilitation Strategic Consulting
Kalim Shah
Associate Professor, Energy and Environmental Policy · University of Delaware
Expert in public policy, governance and institutional analysis for sustainable development in small peripheral economies and jurisdictions.
Public Policy Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) Institutional Transformation Small Island Developing States Energy Security and Transition
Bruno Conte
Social Innovator & Entrepreneur · New Tech - Manager Non Profit
Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Robbin Phillips
Courageous President
The Firestarter! Putting a match to word-of-mouth marketing campaigns that ignite a sustainable movement of brand identity & loyal support
Creating Movements Branding and Identity Content Development & Management Community Management and Word of Mouth Marketing Customer Engagement & Retention
Bryan Allen Smith
Public speaker - coach - trainer · Freelance
Available for new challenges in the areas of human development and communication +31615862844
Social Media Managment Public Speaking Professional Networking
David Jung
Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: 415.565.4639 / jungd@uchastings.edu
Local Government Personal Injury Law Remedies
Mark Kossick
Professor · Western Carolina University
Mark Kossick has been on faculty at several universities and has lectured extensively across the country over the last 25 years.
Cardiovascular Monitoring Research Pathophysiology Cardiovascular Anatomy Physiology
Aniko Ekárt
Professor of Computer Science · Aston University
Dr Ekárt researches artificial intelligence techniques.
Artificial Intelligence Techniques Evolutionary Computation Genetic Programming Neuroevolution
Jill Miller Zimon
Project Director · The Civic Commons
Walking the talk! Blogger and award-winning Elected Council Member who speaks regularly on the intersection of women, politics & journalism
Journalism & Blogging New Media Politics and Political Analysis Women in Politics Politics and Social Media
Toby Ruckert
Founding CEO · Unified Inbox
Global Entrepreneur & Musician
Startup Leadership Entrepreneur
Debra Jasper
Co-Founder · Mindset Digital
National keynote speaker and social media trainer
Social Media Corporate Training & Coaching