Elan Barenholtz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Elan Barenholtz uses behavioral and embedded computational approaches to study the brain and behavior.

Embedded Computational Neural Models Perception and Learning Deep Learning

Lora Levett

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Lora Levett's research uses social and cognitive psychological methods and theory to explore decision making in our legal system.

Plea Bargaining Jury Decision Making Psychology and Law Wrongful Conviction Eyewitness Identifications

Terese C. Aceves

Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology

Supporting Low-Income, Diverse Families in Special Education Using Evidence-Based Practices with Culturally and Liguistically Diverse Students Investigating Early Home Literacy Practices with Latino Families Providing Assessment and Intervention of Early Reading Skills with English Language Learners

Michelle Grimes

Associate Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University

A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution

ADHD Acceptance and Committment Therapy (Act) Anxiety Behavior Disorders in Children Behavioral Health

Dr Breno Nunes

Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Operations Management · Aston University

Dr Nunes investigates sustainability strategies, environmental decision making processes, and green technology management.

Sustainable Development Policies Green Technology Management Green Operations Sustainability Strategies Sustainable Production Systems and Supply Chains

Mary-Kate Lizotte, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Lizotte is an expert in public opinion and is an expert in gender in politics and voting.

Gender Differences in Effect of Attractiveness on Political Candidacy‎ Race and Politics Gender Differences in Political Interests Gender Differences in Public Opinion

Robert Novy-Marx

Lori and Alan S. Zekelman Distinguished Professor of Finance · University of Rochester

Robert Novy-Marx is an award-winning expert on empirical asset pricing, empirical methods, and public finance.

AI and Academics AI Empirical Methods Empirical Asset Pricing Public Finance

Brian Cahill

Associate Instructional Professor · University of Florida

Brian Cahill studies the intersection of social and cognitive psychology and the legal system.

Interviewing/Interrogation Memory Detecting Deception Eyewitness Memory and Decision Making Jury Decision Making

Alan David Cooke

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Alan Cooke is an expert in evaluating consumer behavior.

Psychological Scaling Consumer Behavior Consumer Choice Decision Making Price Perception

Aner Sela

Professor · University of Florida

Aner Sela is an expert on how people make choices and form preferences.

Value Perception Technology and Consumer Choice Choice Difficulty Inferences and Attributions Decision Making

Susan Finerty

President · Finerty Consulting

Author of Master the Matrix: 7 Essentials for Getting Things Done in Complex Organizations

Matrix Management Influence Without Authority Change Management Being Strategic Building Partnerships

Peter Berg

Professor · Michigan State University

International expert on Collective Bargaining and the Aging Workforce

Work-Family Flexibility Policy Domestic and International Labor Policy Collective Bargaining Aging Workforce

Jane Paige, RN, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jane Paige is an expert in educational simulations and interprofessional education.

Interprofessional Education Nursing Education Simulation as a Teaching Methodology

Kari Watkins

Associate Professor, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Kari Watkins' research interests revolve around multi-modal transportation planning and the use of technology in transportation.

Complete Streets Design Traveler Information Transportation Planning Smart Cities Sustainable Communities

Thomas Greaney

Visiting Professor · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: greaney@uchastings.edu

Health Policy Antitrust Law Health Law Affordable Care Act (Aca)

Janice Beecher

Director of the Institute of Public Utilities · Michigan State University

Expert in economic regulation and pricing of public utilities.

Academic journal management and research editing Environmental and resource policy and regulation Water industry structure, privatization, and pricing Theory and practice of public utility regulation Regulatory institutions, governance, policy, and ethics

Alex John London

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alex John London’s work focuses on ethical and policy issues surrounding novel technologies in medicine.

Elections Responsible AI Bioethics AI Ethics

Wilkie Au

Professor Emeritus of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Annabelle Singer

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Annabelle Singer researches to understand how neural activity produces memories and spurs the brain’s immune system.

Alzheimer's Disease Virtual Reality Optogenetics Learning & Memory Neural Coding & Decoding

Casey Cobb, Ph.D.

Neag Professor of Educational Policy · University of Connecticut

Dr. Cobb's current research interests include policies on school choice, accountability, and school reform.

Education Policy Educational Leadership School Reform School Choice Educational Accountability