C. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP

Head and Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice · University of Connecticut

Dr. White’s research interests are in drug, dietary supplement, and illicit drug safety, quality, and cost

Diet CBD Drug Costs Dietary Supplements Cardiovascular Drugs

Teal Benevides, PhD, OTR/L

Associate Professor & Director of Faculty Development, Institute of Public and Preventive Health · Augusta University

Teal Benevides has a passion for addressing disparities among those on the autism spectrum, including racial and ethnic minorities.

Mental Health Research Autism Adults With Autism Services and Support Autism Research and Treatment

Allison Sekuler

Associate Vice President and Dean, Graduate Studies · McMaster University

Dr. Sekuler is a Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour with expertise is in vision, aging, higher education, & diversity issues.

Aging Face and Object Recognition Perceptual Organization Pattern Vision Motion Perception

Xilei Zhao

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Xilei Zhao focuses on developing and applying data and computational science methods to tackle problems in transportation and resilience.

Machine Learning Public Transit Hurricane Evacuation Community Resilience Artificial Intelligence

Dr Anton Popov

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Popov's research interest is in social anthropology, with a particular focus on postsocialist societies.

Social Anthropology Postsocialist Societies Cultural Heritage Identity and Transnationalism Youth Culture

Philip La Duke

Safety Iconoclast & Culture Transformation Architect · ERM

One of the most informative, entertaining, and engaging speakers you're likely to ever find

Talent & Gamification Talent Management Cross generational training and management Planning Corporate Culture

Kyle Davis

Assistant Professor, Geography and Spacial Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Davis' work focuses on food systems, water sustainability, and global environmental change.

Human Migration Nutrition Global Environmental Change Food Systems Sustainability

Cliff Broman

Professor of Sociology · Michigan State University

An expert in substance abuse, drinking among youth, mental health and stress, race and ethnicity, and family studies.

Mental Health Racial Inequality Health & Disease Families Race Culture and Ethnicity

Christopher A. Cooper

Madison Distinguished Professor of Political Science & Public Affairs and Director of the Haire Institute for Public Policy · Western Carolina University

Christopher A. Cooper's research is on N.C. politics, southern politics, political behavior and behavioral public administration.

Election Administration Public Administration Southern Politics American Politics Parties, Campaigns and Elections

Tomeka Robinson

Senior Associate Dean, Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric · Hofstra University

Dr. Robinson is an expert on effective public debate as well as health communication. She directs Hofstra's award-winning forensics team.

Public/Social Advocacy Rhetoric Health Communications Argumentation and Debate Intercultural Communication

David Ciccarelli

Chief Executive Officer · Voices

David Ciccarelli is the CEO and founder of Lake

Corporate Culture Start Up Start Up Business Start Up Companies Product

Benjamin Johnson

Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida

Benjamin Johnson’s research focuses on the social psychology of media use including how people construct their media routines and habits.

Entertainment Confirmation Bias Storytelling Sponsorship Influencers

Professor Anthony Maher

Director of Research · Leeds Beckett University

Dr. Anthony J. Maher is part of the Carnegie School of Education's research leadership team and leads the research impact strategy.

Sociology Family Education Culture Autism

Cheryl Rose

Director, Partnerships and Projects for SiG@Waterloo · Social Innovation Generation

SiG@Waterloo's Director of Partnerships is enthusiastic about civic engagement and developing community-based social innovation initiatives

Social Innovation Social Finance Entrepreneurship and Community Development Leadership for Social Innovation Enhancing Individual and Organizational Resilience

Monique Mitchell Turner

Chair of the Department of Communication · Michigan State University

Monique Mitchell Turner is trained in persuasion and employs that expertise in health and risk communication.

Risk Perception Persuasion Cognitive Processing Social Influence Emotion

Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux

Chair on Truth and Reconciliation · Lakehead University

Dr. Wesley-Esquimaux's research addresses unresolved intergenerational trauma and grief primarily within the Canadian Indigenous community.

Community Development Government Community Outreach Leadership Teaching

Ben Radcliffe

Senior Lecturer of Classics and Archaeology · Loyola Marymount University

Ben Radcliffe studies Ancient Greek literature, focusing on Homeric studies, critical theory, and aesthetics.


Jodi Bruhn

Director / Directrice · Stratéjuste

Jodi Bruhn is a published policy researcher, author and facilitator specializing in governance and indigenous/Crown relations.

Aboriginal Justice Governance Workshop Facilitation Political Science Public Service

John Barry

Adjunct faculty · Tulane University

John Barry can speak to the coronavirus and how it compares to seasonal and pandemic viruses seen in past years.

Coronavirus Author Historian Pandemic Influenza Policy Making

Jim Kukral

CEO · JFK Services, LLC

Web Business & Marketing Entrepreneur/Speaker - With A Motivational Touch!

Internet Marketing & Sales Motivational & Inspriational Small Business Internet Success Entrepreneur