Nate Riggs

Director of Social Business | Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy Speaker · Nate Riggs LLC

Director of Social Business | Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy Speaker at The Karcher Group (TKG)

Content Marketing Social Business Social Business Design Social Media Marketing Social Media Monitoring

Elaine Hyshka

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health · University of Alberta

Professor Hyshka is a health services and policy researcher focused on reducing the health, social, and economic costs of substance misuse.

Harm Reduction Opioids Cannabis Drug Policy Substance misuse

Nina Newman, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Infant & Early Childhood Development - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Doctoral Faculty in the Infant & Early Childhood Development Program

How Human Behavior is Formed and Impacted By the Interactional Influences of Biology Cognition and Social/Emotional Factors Psychiatric and Cognitive Problems After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Executive Functions Learning and Attention Disorders Education and Educational Leadership

Steffanie Scott

Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management · University of Waterloo

Leading international scholar on food security, food system change, and COVID-19 impacts on the food suppy.

Food Agriculture & Environment COVID-19 (Coronavirus) China Food Policy Local Food Systems

Dorinda Carter Andrews

Chairperson and Professor · Michigan State University

Her research is broadly focused on racial justice and educational equity.

Program Development Curriculum Development Higher Education Community Outreach Program Evaluation

Doug Tallamy

Professor, Agriculture and Natural Resources · University of Delaware

Prof. Tallamy researches how plants that evolved elsewhere impact food webs and biodiversity.

Native Plants Insect Conservation Ecological Landscaping Ecosystem Function

Tracie O. Afifi

Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences · University of Manitoba

Dr. Afifi's research interests are in the areas of child maltreatment and problem gambling.

Problem Gambling Domestic Violence Physical Punishment Child Maltreatment Sociology

Scott Fahlman

Research Faculty Emeritus - Contingent · Carnegie Mellon University

Scott Fahlman has worked in many areas of Artificial Intelligence, including the use of massively parallel machines to solve AI problems.

Artificial Neural Networks Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Machine Learning

Carma Bylund

Professor · University of Florida

Carma Bylund is a behavioral scientist with international expertise in healthcare communication across the cancer continuum and in dementia.

Doctor-Patient Communication on Telemedicine Communication Skills Training for Residents and Fellows Cancer Caregiving Healthcare Communication Doctor-Patient Communication

Nigel Newbutt

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Nigel Newbutt is a leading expert in the use of technologies with autistic groups, specifically virtual reality and immersive technologies.

Ethical AI Research Social Robotics Head-mounted Display Immersive Technology Autism

Candice Odgers

Professor Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Candice Odgers is a developmental psychologist who studies adolescents’ mental health and development.

Early Adversity Quantitative Psychology Social Inequality Technology and Young People Digital Inequality

Anna Esselment

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science · University of Waterloo

Anna Esselment research interests include Canadian institutions, campaigns and elections, and intergovernmental relations.

Canadian Politics Partisanship Political Parties Campaigns Canadian Institutions

Johnathan O'Neill

Chair, History · Georgia Southern University

Johnathan O'Neill researches constitutionalism and American conservatism in the twentieth century, with emphasis on legal history.

U.S. Constitutional History American Constitutional and Legal History American Political Thought Legal History of the U.S.

Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Psychodynamic and an existential psychotherapist

Life Span Development Theories of Relationship Group Dynamics and Group Therapy Individual Psychotherapy Narrative and Life History Research

Steven Mailloux

President's Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Critical Theory Political Theology U.S.Cultural Studies English Rhetoric

Robert Jerrard

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor Jerrad's research focuses on nonlinear partial differential equations

Calculus of Variations Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Brandi Simonsen, Ph.D.

Professor of Educational Psychology, Co-Director of Center for Behavioral Education and Research · University of Connecticut

Professor Simonsen is an expert in school, classroom, and student positive behavioral interventions and supports.

School Discipline Student Behavior Seclusion Behavioral Intervention Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Caitlin Elsaesser, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Elsaesser partners with communities to create health promotion efforts that are empowering, with a focus on youth violence prevention.

Technology and Interpersonal Violence Youth Violence Gun Violence Prevention Research Methodology Child and Adolescent Development

Russell Schwartz

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Russell Schwartz works in computational biology and the use of algorithms, AI, machine learning, and simulation in biomedical science.

Cancer Biology Biophysics Population Genetics Computational Genomics Machine Learning

Megan Ennes

Assistant Curator · University of Florida

Megan Ennes supports science interests using family museum programming, professional development and climate change communication research.

Civic Engagement for the Environment Climate Change Education Family Science Museum Education Science Career Aspirations