Scott Dodelson

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Scott Dodelson is interested in learning about fundamental physics by analyzing data from cosmic surveys.

Dark Matter Physics Space Cosmology Astrophysics

Tiziana Di Matteo

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Tiziana Di Matteo's research focuses on the study of black holes, encompassing a wide range of topics in high energy astrophysics.

High Energy Astrophysics Cosmology Space Astrophysics Black Holes

Erica Fuchs

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Erica Fuchs is passionate about building nationally the intellectual foundations and analytic tools to inform National Technology Strategy.

Innovation Policy Technology Development Public Policy Global manufacturing Commercialization

Barbara Shinn-Cunningham

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Barbara Shinn-Cunningham's research explores such issues as how do we make sense of speech and other sounds.

Non-Invasive Brain Monitoring Mathematical & Statistical Methods Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Characterization of Neural Circuits

Imre Bartos

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Imre Bartos’ research interests include extreme cosmic explosions related to the formation and evolution of black holes.

Multimessenger Astronomy Astrophysics LIGO Black Holes Gravitational Waves

Darragh Devine

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Darragh Devine investigates the neurobiological basis of pathological behaviors that are co-morbid in autism.

Neurobiology Neurobiology of Self Injury Neuroscience and the Brain Mental Health Psychology

Benjamin Soares

Professor · University of Florida

Benjamin Soares research is on Islam and Muslim societies in Africa with a focus on religious life from the 20th century to the present.

West Africa Christian-Muslim Relations Religion & Politics Islam and Muslim Studies Religion & Media

Cheryl Hertz

Senior Instructor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Genetics Biology Immunology Microbiology Infectious Disases

Christopher Kilby

Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Christopher Kilby, PhD, is an expert in political economy of development aid and how it is influenced by U.S. politics and world events.

Business Development Economics Foreign Aid Macroeconomic Theory Multilateral Aid

Patrick Markey, PhD

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Patrick Markey, PhD, is an expert on how violent video games affect behavior and relationship issues.

Video Games Violent Video Games Online Interactions Body Image Romantic Relationships

Virginia Saya

Professor of Music and Director, Sinatra Opera Workshop · Loyola Marymount University

Professor of Music and Director, Sinatra Opera Workshop

Musicology Music History Sinatra Opera Workshop

Julian Ku

Professor of Law and Interim Dean · Hofstra University

The Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor in Constitutional Law and Professor of Law.

International Law International Law in U.S. Courts Constitutional Law Corporate Law Trans Pacific Partnership

Richard Himelfarb

Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Himelfarb's scholarly interests and expertise include health care policy (Affordable Care Act), Congress and the presidency.

Political Science American Politics Affordable Care Act Health Care Policy Congress

Theo Liebmann

Clinical Professor of Law · Hofstra University

Professor Liebmann has directed the interdisciplinary Hofstra Youth Advocacy Clinic since its inception

Trial Advocacy Child Welfare Youth Advocacy Immigration Juvenile Delinquency

Robert Abramovitch

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Robert Abramovitch is an assistant professor at Michigan State University.

Research Plant Pathology Microbiology Tuberculosis Antibiotic Resistance

Vincent Lloyd, PhD

Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Studies · Villanova University

Vincent Lloyd, PhD, researches issues and trends related to religion in politics and race, and how these areas affect social change.

Religion The Role of Religion in Racial Justice Organizing Religion in Politics and Race Religion in Mass Incarceration Religious Ideas of Crime and Punishment

Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Johnson-Roberson's research goal is to develop robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments.

Folding Space Structures Robotic Vision 3D Reconstruction Artifical Intelligence Robotics/Autonomous Vehicles

Keith Even Schubert, Ph.D.

Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering · Baylor University

Keith Even Schubert, Ph.D. is professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Baylor University.

Digital Logic Aerospace Engineering Optimization Imaging and 3d Reconstruction Numerical Linear Algebra

Elisabeth Barton

Professor/Associate Dean · University of Florida

Elisabeth Barton is a molecular physiologist with a primary interest in skeletal muscle repair.

Space Viral Gene Therapy Optimization of IGF-I for Muscle Therapeutics Mechanical Signal Transduction Skeletal Muscle Repair

John Dorsey

Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Marine Biology Coastal Marine Habitats Water Quality Pollution Ecology Wastewater Treatment