Ana Santos Rutschman, SJD, LLM

Professor of Law · Villanova University

Professor Rutschman, SJD, LLM researches topics in health law, biotech, innovation policy, patent law, and law and technology.

Drug Prices Intellectual Property/Patent Innovation Policy Health/Bio 3D Printing Health AI

Salah Sarhat, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Salah Sarhat teaches in MSOE's Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management Department.

Structural Engineering Natural Building Materials Green Concrete Reinforced Masonry Ultra-High-Performance Concrete

Julie Niehoff

Speaker, Author, Marketing Leader, Educator, Small Business & Nonprofit Advocate · Distance Learning Media, LLC

Speaker, writer and marketing strategist with more than 20 years in small business & nonprofit education

Online Marketing Community Outreach Marketing for Non-Profits Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy

Heather Walsh-Haney, Ph.D.

Expert in forensic studies and human rights · Florida Gulf Coast University

Heather Walsh-Haney teaches forensic science and regularly assists law enforcement finding and studying remains in Florida

Ground-penetrating radar Trauma Analysis Witness Testimony Child Abuse Forensics

William "Bill" Rials

Associate Director, Professor of Practice, Information Technology · Tulane University

Bill is a nationally recognized subject matter expert on information technology.

Patricia Huddleston

Professor and Director of Information and Media PhD program · Michigan State University

Expert in Consumer decision making at Point of Purchase, Retail Strategy

Point of Purchase Marketing Consomer Loyalty Retail Strategy Eye-Tracking

Roy Curtiss

Professor · University of Florida

Roy Curtiss designs and constructs vaccines to protect farm animals and humans against diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Antimicrobial Resistance Bacterial Pathogens Design, Construction and Evaluation of Vaccines Gene Flow and Evolution Genetics

Daniel Friess

Cochran Family Professor · Tulane University

Daniel "Dan" Friess is a researcher working to unveil the critical role that mangrove forests play in the fight against climate change.

Coastal Ecosystems Remote Sensing Mangrove Forests Blue Carbon Mangrove Ecosystems

Kathy Archer

Leadership Development Coach · Silver River Coaching

Growing Courage & Confidence in Women Leaders

Women's Leadership Confidence and Courage Courage Building Workshops Confidence Building Work-Life

Liangfei Qiu

Professor · University of Florida

Liangfei Qiu is an expert in social technology, including social media and social networks, as well as artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Gig Economy Prediction Markets Healthcare Analytics Telecommunications Networks

Kate McInturff

Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Kate McInturff is director of the CCPA's initiative on gender equality and public policy, Making Women Count.

Gender Equality Policy Analysis Family policy Labour Economics Budget and Tax Policy

Michele Baggio, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Michele Baggio is an expert in environmental and resource economics, ecological economics, and health economics.

Ecological Economics Health Economics Environmental and Resource Economics Applied Microeconomics

Allyson Poska

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Poska is an internationally known expert on the history of women in early modern Europe and colonial Latin America.

Smallpox Vaccination Spanish History Latin American History Women's History

Jay Ritter

Eminent Scholar · University of Florida

Jay Ritter studies IPOs, asset pricing, valuation, investment banking and capital structure.

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Initial Public Offerings Investment Banking Capital Structure Asset Pricing

Tom Kaminski

Professor, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology · University of Delaware

Prof. Kaminski is a leading expert on issues related to purposeful headers in interscholastic and intercollegiate soccer.

Chronic Ankle Instability Repetitive Head Impacts Recovery Assessment

Aman Yadav

Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education · Michigan State University

An expert in STEM education, with a specific focus on computer science and engineering education

Teacher Professional Development Case-based Instruction Computer Science Education STEM Education Engineering Education

Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Professor · Michigan State University

Beth is interested in issues of equity that concern authority, positioning, & voice in mathematics classrooms & professional development.

Mathematics Mathematics Education

Paul Froese, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Director of Baylor Religion Surveys · Baylor University

Dr. Froese focuses on the sociology of meaning, religion, comparative historical sociology, political sociology and ideology.

Sociology Religion Religion Politics & Culture Society's Images of God Russians and Religious Ideology

Arezoo Najibzadeh

Women in Politics Advocate · Young Women's Leadership Network (Femmepower)

Arezoo works on addressing the barriers against young women's involvement in grassroots and institutional politics.

Women in Politics Canadian Politics Politics & Public Policy Women's Rights Young Women

Hyung Kim

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Hyung Kim's research area is theoretical and computational chemistry.

Chemical Reactions and Spectroscopy in Solution Computer Simulations Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Green Solvents