Joris Claeys

Managing Director - Chief Engagement Officer - Principal Partner · ecoNVERGE – CAPix - ViVaTicA - ecoNOVATE - ARTconnectsLIFE - ARTronomy | PORT[expertise] | eco.AHCIL

Change Cultivator | Think, act & lead WITHOUT the box! Promoting 5P's of sustainable thrivability! Coaching OD-WST-AI-TEAL – ARTconnectsLIFE

Change Facilitation Organizational Development Whole Systems Transition Change Facilitation – Appreciative Inquiry Whole Systems Transformation Organizational development TEAL reorganization Corporate & public sustainability management resilience building to thrivability intellectual- social- & natural capital

Valentin Soloiu

Allen E. Paulson Distinguished Chair of Renewable Energy and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Southern University

Valentin Soloiu is an expert in Renewable and Sustainable, Biofuels Advanced Combustion Technologies, and Heat Transfer and Emissions.

Heat Transfer and Emissions Renewable and Sustainable Biofuels Advanced Combustion Technologies

Sascha Usenko B.S., Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Environmental Science. Director, Environmental Science Graduate Program · Baylor University

Dr. Usenko is the Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Director, Environmental Science Graduate Program at Baylor University.

Anthropogenic Contaminants Spatial and Temporal Scales The Transformation and Bioavailability of Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals in the Environment Environmental Forensic Chemistry Identifying Unique Chemical Fingerprints

Timothy Shiuh, M.D., MHCDS, FACEP

Chief Health Information Officer and Vice President, Digital Clinical Transformation · ChristianaCare

Dr. Timothy Shiuh is the chief medical information officer and vice president of Clinical Information at ChristianaCare.

Emergency Medicine Clinical Decision Support Electronic Health Records Medical Informatics Digital Health

Ravi Roy

Associate Professor of Political Science · Southern Utah University

Specializing in neoliberalism, political education programs, and the Deming system of profound knowledge

Political Associations Political Education Pograms Deming System of Profound Knowledge Leadership Public Policy

Jason Miller

Interim Chairperson · Michigan State University

Jason Miller's primary research stream examines issues in the truck transportation industry including safety, productivity and employment.

Logistics Motor Carrier Safety

Renée Dye

Associate Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Managerial Decision Making Corporate & Business Strategy Strategic & Business Planning

Ryan Hamilton

Associate Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Customer Psychology Customer Decision Making Branding Price and Price Image

Molly Ryan Epstein

Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Helping students and professionals lead and communicate better.

Change Communication Communicating with gender intelligence Logic and Persuasion Train the Trainer Presentation and Public Speaking

Jim Finkelstein

President and CEO · FutureSense, LLC

A contrarian who is a stimulating speaker; an expert in people and organization strategy and a "millennial in boomer clothing"

Compensation: Reward and Motivation in the 21st Century Organization Communications: Effective Employee Engagement The New Cogenerational Workplace: From 18-80 Boards of Directors: Ethics and Responsibilities The People Dimension: Environment

Omar Rodríguez-Vilá

Professor in the Practice of Marketing; Academic Director of Education, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Educator and scholar on modern marketing practices including how sustainability and technology have changed the pursuit of firm growth.

Marketing Strategy Sustainability Social Purpose Modern Marketing Marketing Capabilities

Gareth James

John H. Harland Dean and Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Data is the sword of the 21st century, those who wield it well, the Samurai. -Jonathan Rosenberg, adviser to Larry Page & former Google SVP

Statistical Problems in Marketing Functional Data Analysis Statistical Methodology High Dimensional Regression

Tian Heong Chan

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Operational Innovation Product Development Service Management User Innovation Data Analytics

Andrea Hershatter

Associate Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management; Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Design Thinking Management Education Economics Millennial Generation Entertainment

Amber Naslund

President · SideraWorks

Experienced, in-demand keynote speaker on social business and social media

Social Media Social Business Community Management Social Media Marketing Strategies Social Media Measurement

David Schweidel

Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology

Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics

Thomas Smith

Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cultural Economics Economics of the Arts Economics of Sports Economics of Religion Urban and Real Estate Economics

Sandy Jap

Sarah Beth Brown Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

B2B partnering and channel strategy expert in consulting, litigation, and education.

B2B Routes to Market Strategic Partnerships Omnichannel Strategy B2B and Channel Analytics Social Media Selling

Ginger Grant

Professor (Marketing and Innovation) · Sheridan College

Innovation Management, Leadership Development, Strategy, Corporate Anthropology, Organizational Design, Scenario Planning, Storytelling

Experiential and Archetypal Marketing Scenario Planning Revisioning Retirement Innovation Culture Design Thinking

Emily Bianchi

Goizueta Foundation Term Associate Professor of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Economic Conditions and Early Adulthood Job Attitudes Moral Behavior Economic Conditions and Psychology Organizational Behavior