Carol Sabel, RN, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, School of Nursing · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Carol Sabel is an expert in examining barriers to nursing students continuing education and interprofessional collaboration.

Patient Education Patient Safety Nursing Education Interprofessional Collaboration Nursing

Hadis Morkoç, Ph.D.

Virginia Microelectronics Consortium Chair, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Morkoç researches nitride semiconductor heterostructures and devices

Group III-V Semiconductors Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Nitride Semiconductor Heterostructures

Isabella Weber

Associate Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Economist Isabella Weber has gained international attention and accolades for her ground-breaking ideas on price controls and inflation.

Price Caps Seller's Inflation Inflation History of Economic Thought

Charles Leech

Partner & Executive Vice President (Qualitative) · ABM Research Ltd.

Consumer Insights Philosopher-Guru slash Real World Semiotic Multidisciplinarian

Brands Branding Culture and Semiotics

Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor Buchweitz researches Commutative and Homological Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Singularity Theory

Commutative Algebra Algebraic Geometry Singularities

Ryan S. King, Ph.D.

Research Professor of Biology · Baylor University

Specializing in understanding the availability of phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon in inland freshwater systems.

Freshwater science to inform policy Community and ecosystem ecology Numeric water-quality criteria Ecological thresholds Streams and rivers

Nigel Raab

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Theories of Civil Society Habermas 19th Century Russia Urban History Global Encounters

Aaron McCright

Professor and Chairperson, College of Social Science/Lyman Briggs College · Michigan State University

Dr. McCright specializes in environmental sociology, sociology of science and technology, and social movements.

Political Polarization Values and Sciences Climate Change Politics Climate Change Climate Change Denial

Mark Diana

Associate Professor & Chair · Tulane University

Mark Diana is a healthcare policy expert. His research has focused on the organizational impact of health information systems.

Healthcare Reform healthcare policy Affordable Care Act Obamacare Health Insurance

Melissa Bemiller, PhD

Associate Professor of Social Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. Bemiller's research focuses on violent victimization: homicide, sex crimes, and portrayals of violence in mass media.

Sex Crimes Child Abuse Homicide Violent Victimization Portrayals of Violence in Mass Media

Lance Hunter, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.

Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties

Liangfei Qiu

Professor · University of Florida

Liangfei Qiu is an expert in social technology, including social media and social networks, as well as artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Gig Economy Prediction Markets Healthcare Analytics Telecommunications Networks

Kathy Roberts Forde

Professor of Journalism · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Kathy Roberts Forde studies the Black freedom struggle and the press, First Amendment, literary journalism and history of book culture.

African American Freedom Struggle and the Press The First Amendment Journalism History Journalism Literary Journalism

Shem Malmquist

Instructor | College of Aeronautics · Florida Tech

Shem Malmquist is an international Boeing 777 captain and experienced accident and safety investigator.

Aircraft Operations Accident Investigation System Safety Engineering Safety Analysis

Lori Wilkinson

Professor of Sociology · University of Manitoba

Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods

Research Methods Race and Ethnic Relations Settlement Integration Youth and School-To-Work Transitions

Benn R. Konsynski

George S. Craft Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Electronic data interchange (EDI) Channel systems Electronic integration Information partnerships Digital Commerce

Kristin Arola

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Kristin Arola’s research and teaching focuses on composing as culturing.

American Indian Studies Multimodal Composition Cultural Rhetorics

Edward Mondor

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Ed Mondor specializes in Insect Ecology and Forensic Entomology.

Environmental Science Insect Ecology Forensic Entomology

Kasey Windels

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Kasey Windels' research centers on the advertising agency itself, with a specific interest on creativity within the advertising agency.

Gender Identity in Advertising Creative Leadership and Direction Research & Strategy Advertising Campaign Copywriting

Peter Ricci, Ed.D.

Clinical Professor and Director · Florida Atlantic University

Peter Ricci is an expert in food service, lodging, incentive travel, and destination marketing.

Casinos & Gaming Travel and Tourism Hotel Guest Services Hospitality Marketing