Sally Blount

Dean · Northwestern University

An internationally recognized expert in the fields of negotiation and behavioral decision making

Organizational Behavior Performance in Intercultural Interactions At Work Individual Temporality in Work Organizations: Implications for Work Groups Fair Market Ideology

Charles McClintock, Ph.D.

Director, Institute for Social Innovation and Dean Emerit - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Focuses on graduate education, online learning, program evaluation, and evidence-based organizational development

Research and Program Evaluation Methods Organizational Studies Organizational Change and Development New Paradigms for Graduate Education Evaluation of Health and Social Policy

Ofer Sharone

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ofer Sharone is a nationally recognized expert on unemployment, work and career transitions.

Unemployment Career Transitions Sociology of Work Sociology of Aspirations American Society

Tammy Anderson

Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware

Professor Anderson's work focuses on the sociology of deviance, substance abuse, criminology and social problems.

Substance Abuse Opioid Epidemic Criminology Social Problems Deviance

Lina Moses

Clinical Assistant Professor · Tulane University

Lina Moses' primary interest is the control of viral zoonoses transmitted from small mammals

COVID-19 Ecology Epidemiology Zoonoses Pathogens

Vandana (Ana) Mangal, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics · College of Business Administration, Loyola Marymount University

Academic Co-Director, MSBA

Project Management and Databases Business Continuity Business impacts with emerging technology deployment Disruption in sector value chains Women in Technology

Jessica Borelli

Associate Professor of Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Jessie Borelli's research focuses on the links between close relationships and mental health

Attachment Parenting Developmental Mental Health Health

Anita Anantharam

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Anita Anantharam’s research interests include nationalism and feminism in South Asia, women's movements, food and cultural studies.

Women and Business Inclusion Diversity Developing World Emerging Markets

Sylvia Bawa

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology · York University

Dr. Bawa teaches sociology at York University

Human Rights Women's Empowerment postcolonial feminisms African feminisms Development Theory

Vilma Todri

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Economics and Machine Learning Digital Advertising Digital Strategy Online Consumer Behavior Social Media

John Hatem

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Renowned Financial Expert

Security Analysis Finance Investments Global Finance

Jeffrey Rosensweig

Associate Professor of Finance; Director, The Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Business Strategy in a Global Economy Global Economic Trends and Linkages International Finance

Erika V. Hall

Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Faculty Advisor, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Hall's research focuses on the influence of race, gender, and class-based stereotypes and implicit biases on workplace interactions.

Race and Gender Stereotyping Social Psychology Implicit Bias

Mukesh Srivastava

Professor of Business · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Srivastava focuses on strategic management.

Technology Adoption Global Outsourcing Strategic Management and Innovation

Jacek Lubecki

Associate Professor, Political Science and International Studies · Georgia Southern University

Jacek Lubecki is an expert in Polish and European military history.

Global Political Economy Counter-Insurgency Middle East Polish Politics and History East-Central Europe

Hal Gottfried

Founder · Level Up Labs

Strategic Coach, Mentor, Open Source Hardware Advocate, Educator and IT Ninja

Integration Telecommunications Encryption Startups Non Profit

Carla Moreno

Assistant Professor of Economics · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

John Leshy

Emeritus Harry D. Sunderland Distinguished Professor of Real Property Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4726 / Office 382-200

Real Property Law State and Federal Constitutional Law Natural Resources Law Public Land Law Water Law

Ben Depoorter

Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Email: / 415-565-4675 / Office 208-198

Copyright Law Property Law Law and Economics Intellectual Property International Intellectual Property Law

David Feldman

Professor of Urban Planning & Public Policy and Political Science, Director of Water UCI · UC Irvine

David Feldman specializes in water resources management and policy, global climate change policy, ethics and environmental decisions.

Drought Sustainable Development Ethics and Environmental Decisions Water Resources Management Global climate change policy