Philip Santangelo

Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Philip J. Santangelo researches optical microscopy and in vivo imaging, RNA virus pathogenesis, HIV/SIV.

Therapeutics and Vaccines RNA Regulation RNA Virus Pathogenesis Optical Microscopy and In Vivo Imaging HIV/SIV and hRSV

Radenka Maric, Ph.D.

University President · University of Connecticut

Dr. Maric researches novel materials for fuel cell & battery manufacturing, nanomaterials, sensors, hydrogen generation & biofuels.

Sustainable Energy Technologies Nanomaterials Engineering Sensors Sustainable Energy Manufacturing

Ravi Hadimani

Associate Professor and Director of Biomagnetics Laboratory · Virginia Commonwealth University

Professor Hadimani specializes in non-invasive brain stimulation, biomagnetics, magnetocalorics and energy harvesting research.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Tms) Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Magnetic Nanoparticles Magnetocaloric Effect Rare-Earth Magnetic Materials

Charles Cartin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Director of Makerspaces & Professor of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University

Additive Manufacturing Advanced Engineering Mathematics Computer Aided Design (CAD) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Design Engineering

Professor Robert Chilcott

Professor of Toxicology · University of Hertfordshire

His research into chemical exposure has informed policy guidance for emergency response teams in the event of chemical attack.

Counter Terrorism Burns Toxic Chemicals Toxicology Poisons

Michael Hamblin, PhD

Principal Investigator, Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital · Associate Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Hamblin's research interests are now broadly in the area of phototherapy for multiple diseases

Microscopy Molecular Biology Photomedicine Flourescence Microscopy Biotechnology

Xiaobo Tan

MSU Research Foundation Professor and Richard M. Hong Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering · Michigan State University

Expert in robotic fish, mobile sensing in aquatic environments

Soft Robotics Underwater Robotics Underwater Sensing

April Kloxin

Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Kloxin's research group seeks to design responsive materials for tissue regeneration.

Stimuli-Responsive Materials Biomaterials 3D Cell Culture Tissue Engineering Drug Delivery

Jeff Karp

Professor · Brigham and Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical School

Dr. Jeff Karp is a leading researcher in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives.

Biomaterials Stem Cell Therapeutics Drug Delivery Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering

Riccardo Panicucci

Senior VP CMC · QED Therapeutics and Origin Biosciences

Riccardo Panicucci is an expert in the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, clinical development, and biopharmaceuticals.

Technology Transfer Biotechnology Clinical Development Drug Discovery Drug Development

Gregory Hudalla

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Gregory Hudalla researches deliver technologies to increase biotherapeutic efficacy by creating localized depots that sustain drug action.

Immune Engineering Biotherapeutics Biomolecule Engineering Drug Delivery

Emily Day

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Day engineers drug & biomolecule nanocarriers for targeted treatment of cancers, blood disorders, and reproductive health conditions.

Precision Medicine Drug Delivery Translational Research Gene Regulation Phototherapy

Connie Mulligan

Professor · University of Florida

Connie Mulligan is interested in understanding patterns of human genetic variation with implications for human health and evolution.

Syrian Refugees Impact of Stress Complex Phenotypes Influence of Genetics on Response to Trauma and Stress Epigenetic Analysis

Thanh Nguyen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Nguyen focuses on biointegrated materials and devices at nano- and micro-scales for applications in biomedicine

Vaccinations Drug Delivery Nano

James Dahlman

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

James Dahlman uses molecular biology to rationally design the genetic drugs he delivers.

Vascular and Immunoengineering DNA Barcoded Nanoparticles Drug Delivery CRISPR Gene Editing

Carlos Rinaldi Ramos

Professor · University of Florida

Carlos Rinaldi-Ramos is an expert in the fields of ferrofluids, nanomedicine, and magnetic nanoparticles and their biomedical applications.

Nanomagnetism Hyperthermia Nanoparticle Diffusion Ferrofluids Magnetic Nanoparticles

Joao S. Soares, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Engineered Tissue Multiscale Mechanics & Modeling Laboratory (ETM3)

Functional tissue engineering Thrombogenicity of cardiovascular medical devices Drug delivery devices Polymer degradation and erosion Continuum mechanics and its application to non-linear materials

R. Helen Zha

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Develops biohybrid and bioinspired materials for applications in human healthcare and sustainability.

Biomimetic and Bio-inspired Materials Biomolecular Engineering and Self-assembly Sustainable Materials and Plastic Upcycling Drug delivery and Nanomedicine Nanostructured Soft Matter

Nastassja A. Lewinski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Lewinski's research topics include nanomaterial toxicity, nanomedicine, and nanoinformatics.

Nanomaterial toxicity Nanoinformatics Nanomedicine Advanced in vitro exposure systems Comparative in vitro – in vivo analyses

Dr Eirini Theodosiou

Senior Lecturer, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry · Aston University

Dr Theodosiou's main expertise is in the development of technologies for the isolation of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs).

Biochemical Engineering Biopharmaceutical Process Development Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) Bioprocessing Tools Stem Cell Biology