Michael Chumley

Professor · Texas Christian University

Research focus has been on the role of inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases.

Modifiable Risk Factors Developmental Neurobiology Inflammation Neurodegenerative Diseases Exercise Physiology

Marsha Lovett

Teaching Professor and Vice Provost · Carnegie Mellon University

Marsha Lovett's research considers how learning works (mostly in college-level courses) and ways to improve it.

Higher Education Classroom Studies Computational Modeling Machine Learning Protocol Analysis

Karen Giuliano

Professor, Elaine Marieb College of Nursing and Institute for Applied Life Sciences and Co-Director, Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Karen Giuliano's research is focused on the intersection of clinical needs and medical technology use, development and innovation.

Hospital-acquired Pneumonia Medical Technology‎ Medical Devices Critical Care Nursing Product Development

Allison Eden

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Allison Eden's work centers on understanding media enjoyment, and more broadly the effects of entertainment on user behavior and well-being.

Motivation Enjoyment Media Psychology Morality

Elise King, MID, M.A.

Assistant Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences | Interior Design · Baylor University

Elise King, MID, M.A., is an Assistant Professor in Interior Design at Baylor University.

Sleep and Creativity 19th and 20th Century Design History Community Engagement Interior Design Fundamentals of Interior Design

Daniel Wesson

Associate Professor/Chair · University of Florida

Daniel Wesson is an expert in the sense of smell and how the brain processes sensory information.

Addiction Brain Function Electronic Cigarettes Sensory Processing Smell, Learning & Memory

Michelle Grimes

Assistant Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University

A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Oppositional Defiance Exposure and Response Prevention Habit Reversal

Dr. Mark Ware

Chief Medical Officer · Canopy Growth

Dr. Ware leads Canopy Growth’s medical division, Spectrum Therapeutics including research towards the development of cannabinoid medicines.

Endocannabinoid System Cannabis Research Cannabinoids Medical Cannabis Clinical Research

Stephanie Bangarth

Associate Professor, Department of History · King's University College, University of Western Ontario

Activist Academic. Dedicated Volunteer. Avid Outdoorswoman.

Human Rights Immigration Asian Immigration Immigration Policy Social Movements

Philip La Duke

Safety Iconoclast & Culture Transformation Architect · ERM

One of the most informative, entertaining, and engaging speakers you're likely to ever find

Talent & Gamification Talent Management Cross generational training and management Planning Corporate Culture

Lisa Kramer

Professor of Finance · University of Toronto

Lisa Kramer studies the way human characteristics play a role in investor decisions and financial markets

Behavioral Finance Investment Financial Market Seasonality Empirical Finance Behavioral Economics

I. David Weiner

M.D./Professor · University of Florida

Dr. David Weiner is an expert in resistant hypertension, primary aldosteronism and autosomal dominate polycystic disease.

Acid-based Homeostasis Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Refractory Hypertension Primary Aldosteronism Renal Tubular Acidosis

Tonya Hansel

Director of the PhD Program · Tulane University School of Social Work

Hansel is an expert in disaster mental health and trauma services.

Research and Statistics Disaster Mental Health Trauma

Randy Nelson

Professor and Chair | Department of Neuroscience · The Ohio State University

Expert in biological rhythms, sleep, neuroinflammation and behavioral endocrinology.

Behavioral endocrinology Neuroinflammation Sleep Biological rhythms Nighttime light exposure

Robert Cook

Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Robert Cook is a professor within the Department of Epidemiology focusing on preventative health care.

Primary Care Medicine Alcohol Consumption Sexually Transmitted Diseases HIV Infection Stigma

J. Aaron Johnson, PhD

Associate Dean of the School of Public Health and Director of the Institute of Public and Preventive Health · Augusta University

For two decades, J. Aaron Johnson's research has focused on evidence-based practices, primarily in substance use prevention.

Alcohol Screening Brief Interventions Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Opioid Epidemic

P. Lynne Honey

Associate Professor and Chair · MacEwan University, Department of Psychology

Behaviour, biopsychology, evolution, and critical thinking. I'm interested in where nature and nurture shake hands.

evolution and human behaviour animal learning and conditioning theory teaching of psychology social dominance sex differences

Dar Meshi

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Dar Meshi investigates social media use, often focusing on maladaptive, problematic social media use.

FMRI Social Decisions Social media use Individual Differences

Dr. Christine Bojanowski

Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine; Associate Director, Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program · Tulane University

Dr. Christine Bojanjowski is an expert on pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine.

Adult Cystic Fibrosis Critical Care Medicine Vaping Pulmonary Diseases COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Heather Bittner Fagan, M.D., MPH, FAFFP

Associate Vice Chair of Research and Faculty with ChristianaCare's Department of Family and Community Medicine · ChristianaCare

Dr. Heather Bittner Fagan is a practicing physician, faculty member and researcher in Family & Community Medicine at ChristianaCare.

Family Medicine