David Harlow

Principal · The Harlow Group LLC

Health care thought leader on the bleeding edge - Engaging speaker, expert insights

Health Reform Social Media for Regulated Industries Accountable Care Organizations Privacy and Security of Health Information Digital Health

Mike Simonetto

Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP

A deal at any price! You'll always be ahead of the competition when consulting with Deloitt LLP's pricing strategy and execution expert

Price Optimization Profitability Management Pricing Strategy Logistics Management Process Optimization

David A. Rollins

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

David Rollins' research interest is supply chain analytics and data management to provide businesses with a competitive advantage.

Marketing Management Supply Chains Business Business Administration

Victor Olex

Founder · pystreet.com

20 years in enterprise software development and management

Cloud Data Enterprise Software API

Bennett Lauber

Chief Experience Officer (CXO) · The Usability People

Chief Experience Officer (CXO) at The Usability People

User Experience Usability Testing User-Centered Design Healthcareit Meaningful Use