Nicole S. Harrington, PharmD, BCPS, AQ-ID

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist · ChristianaCare

Nicole Harrington, PharmD, BCPS AQ-ID, is a clinical pharmacy specialist at ChristianaCare.

Clinical Pharmacy Patient Outcomes ‎ Antimicrobials Antimicrobial Resistance Antimicrobial Stewardship

Linda S. Sprague Martinez, Ph.D.

Director, UConn Health Disparities Institute · University of Connecticut

Linda Sprague Martinez, Ph.D. has expertise in health equity and the social determinants of health.

Participatory Research Health Disparities Health Equity Community Health Social Determinants of Health

Marci Lynn Drees, M.D., MS

Chief Infection Prevention Officer and Hospital Epidemiologist · ChristianaCare

Marci Drees, M.D., MS, FACP, DTMH, is highly sought after national expert on infectious disease and vaccines.

Vaccines COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Influenza (Flu) Healthcare-associated Infections Mass Vaccination

Neil Jasani, M.D., MBA, FACEP

Chief Clinical Officer · ChristianaCare

Dr. Jasani provides oversight for iLEAD (Institute for Learning, Leadership and Development) and Human Resources

Human Resources Graduate and Undergraduate Medical Education Learning Organizational Development

Jennifer Dunn

Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: / 415-581-8983 / Office M216-198

Health Law Human Subjects Research Maternal Health & Informed Consent Adolescent Health Women's Health

Professor Persephone S. Sextou

Professor · Leeds Beckett

Persephone Sextou is a leading expert in applied theatre for health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing Performing Arts NHS Community Digital Arts

C. Martin Harris, MD, MBA

Chief Information Officer · Cleveland Clinic

Using IT strategically and effectively is the prescription for improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs

Healthcare Management Healthcare Technology Medical Informatics Healthcare Information and Management Systems Ehealth Trends and Innovations

Bohdan W. Oppenheim

Professor Emeritus of Healthcare Systems Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Healthcare Systems Engineering Lean Healthcare Lean Systems Engineering Lean Product Development and Project Management Lean Banking

Nirma Khatri Vadlamudi

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Nirma Khatri Vadlamudi is an expert in the area of epidemiology and health economics for vaccine-preventable diseases.

Rotavirus Vaccines Pneumococcal Vaccines Vaccination RSV Vaccines

Jason Jarvis

Associate Professor and Chair of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Associate Professor and Chair of Communication Studies

Laurie Davies

Associate Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Laurie Davies is an expert on medical credentialing, health care operations and operating rooms.

Operating Rooms Anesthesiology Health Care Operations

Liang Mao

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Liang Mao's research aims to offer better understandings on the human-disease system with geospatial science approaches and technologies.

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Geospatial Network Analysis Spatial Accessibility and Disparities

Sandra Citty

Clinical Associate Professor · University of Florida

As a Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center nurse researcher, Sandra Citty identifies opportunities for improvements.

Enhancing Health Outcomes Medical-Surgical Acute Care Nursing Veterans Affairs Family Health

Professor Claire Surr

Professor of Dementia Studies and Director of the Centre for Dementia Research · Leeds Beckett University

Her research addresses care and support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

General Hospitals Social Care Patient Support Carers Dementia

Professor Ed Galea

Director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group · University of Greenwich

His research and software tools inform disaster management and crowd safety, and the design of safe buildings, aircraft and ships, globally

Fire and Evacuation Evacuation Computational Fire Engineering Fire Safety Civil Defence

Raga Bjarnadottir

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Ragnhildur Bjarnadottir is an expert in using health informatics and data science to improve care quality for underserved populations.

Artificial Intelligence Quality of Care Data Science Nursing Informatics Clinical Decision Support

Hayden Wimmer

Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology · Georgia Southern University

Hayden Wimmer is an expert in Information Systems based in data mining and artificial intelligence applied to financial data.

Financial Data Data Mining Information Systems Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Pearlman, M.D., MSHQS

Clinical Effectiveness Officer · ChristianaCare

Dr. Stephen Pearlman a neonatologist and safety expert is the Clinical Effectiveness Officer Acute Care at ChristianaCare.

Healthcare Quality and Safety Communication and Resolution Programs Neonatal Intensive Care

Professor Claire Surr

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Her research addresses care and support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

General Hospitals Social Care Patient Support Carers Dementia

Beth Virnig

Dean and Professor · University of Florida

Beth Virnig’s research examines how patient factors and system factors combine to influence health care and health outcomes.

Cancer Care End-Of-Life Care Health Care Systems Health Disparities Medicare