Cheryl Murphy
Director of the Center for PFAS Research · Michigan State University
Cheryl Murphy is well-versed in reproductive physiology, behavior, ecology, toxicology, and modeling.
PFAS Environmental Policy Toxic Substances Environmental Contamination Reproductive Physiology
Felicia Wu
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Expert in food safety, social network analysis, global health, risk assessment, economic models, environmental health risks, public health
Social Network Models of Food Trade Immunotoxicology Social Network Modeling Public Health Environmental Health
Melanie Szulczewski
Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Szulczewki's research focuses on soil science and environmental toxicology.
Earth and Environmental Studies Environmental Issues Climate Change Solar Cooking Soil Science
Eric Gato
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Gato focuses on diabetes, environmental chemistry and toxicology to examine exposure to environmental contaminants
Diabetes Environmental Toxicology Biochemistry Environmental Chemistry Environmental Contaminants
C. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP
Head and Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice · University of Connecticut
Dr. White’s research interests are in drug, dietary supplement, and illicit drug safety, quality, and cost
Diet CBD Drug Costs Dietary Supplements Cardiovascular Drugs
Joan B. Rose
Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research, Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University
International expert in water and public health microbiology, studies viruses, source tracking and protozoa in water with new tools.
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Microbial Source Tracking Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Public Health Microbiology Environmental Virology
Rachel Adams
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Water Quality and Sustainability Aquatic Chemistry Environmental Systems Sediment Contamination Passive Sampling Development
Helena Mistry
Director of Business Development · Imeka
Helena Mistry is a business development professional with experience in molecular biology, cancer research, and biochemistry.
Biotechnology Scientific Writing Cancer Research Business Development Molecular Biology
Howard Oliver
Forensic Pathologist
Howard Oliver is an experienced Forensic Pathologist.
Forensic Pathology medical examination Pathology
Laura Vandenberg
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.
Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment
Siobhan Malany
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Siobhan Malany studies the effects of microgravity on human muscle biology using an automated tissue chip system.
Space Age-related Msucle Atrophy Drug Discovery and Screening Space Medicine Human Muscle Biology