Patrick Morin

COO · BrightHammer

The speaker even Dale Carnegie Inc. calls when the event MUST succeed! A dynamic expert that makes planners look good and audiences rave.

Creating Winning Sales Teams Innovative Competitive Strategies High Impact Selling Competitive Corporate Cultures

Michael Wallace

Program Director, Senior Professor of Practice, Emergency & Security Studies · Tulane University

Michael Wallace, Ed.D., is a retired military intelligence officer with 20 years active service

Homeland Security Special warfare Counter-Terrorism Counter-proliferation Intelligence collection and analysis

Isaac L. Moss, M.D., C.M., M.A.Sc., FRCSC

Chair, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery · University of Connecticut

Dr. Moss’ clinical focus is on the treatment of all disorders of the neck and back.

Minimally Invasive Surgery Spine Surgery Scoliosis Surgery Advanced Spinal Surgery Back Disorders

Richard Berman

Owner and Founder · Richard Berman Public Relations

My vast experience in public relations, editing and media production give me the understanding of what it takes for a successful campaign

Public Relations and Publicity Brand Management Crisis Communications Media Training Social Media Content Development

Deanne McCarthy

CEO · Swiftsure Innovations

Improving patient outcomes by preventing hospital acquired infections.

Hospital Acquired Infections Oral Care Healthcare Critical Care

Mark Namchuk

Executive Director Therapeutics Translation · Harvard Medical School

Mark Namchuk works with scientists to identify and insights into clinical therapies, advancing scientific discoveries.

Clinical Trials Pharamcology Drug Discovery Drug Development Biotechnology

Ken Foote, Ph.D.

Professor of Geography · University of Connecticut

Ken Foote has studied sites associated with individual murders, as well as those associated mass murder and many other events.

Genocide Individual Murders Memorials Violence and Tragedy Natural Disasters

Leon Davies

Professor of Optometry & Physiological Optics · Aston University

Professor Davies's research is focused on presbyopia and the restoration of ocular accommodation to the ageing eye.

Visual Function Following Stroke Ophthalmic Instrumentation Intraocular Lens (IOL) Technology Presbyopia Ocular Accommodation

Scott Requadt

CEO · Talaris Therapeutics

Scott Requadt has operating and investment experience in the biopharmaceutical industry including therapeutics, medtech and diagnostics.

Entrepreneurship Corporate Development Life Sciences Biotechnology Venture Capital

Lauren Beverung, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Lauren Beverung holds degrees in developmental psychology and human development & family sciences.

Research Methods Grief and Bereavement Child Development Psychology Parent-Child Relationships and Parenting

Panteleimon Ekkekakis

Chairperson and Professor, Department of Kinesiology · Michigan State University

Panteleimon Ekkekakis's research examines pleasure and displeasure responses to exercise,

Exercise Psychology Fitness Health Kinesiology Well-Being

Olexandr Isayev

Assistant Professor, Chemistry · Carnegie Mellon University

Olexandr Isayev's research focuses on solving fundamental chemical problems with machine learning, molecular modeling and quantum mechanics.

Theoretical Chemistry Computational Chemistry Machine Learning Cheminformatics Drug Discovery

Angelos Keromytis

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Angelos Keromytis is an expert in systems and network security, and applied cryptography.

Computer and Network Security Privacy Software Security Network Security Cryptography Software

Nancy D. Campbell

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Science and Technology Studies (STS) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on the history of science, technology, and medicine as it relates to drug policy and the social significance of drugs

Opioid Crisis Harm Reduction Opioid Overdose History of Science & Medicine Gender & Addiction

Lukasz Kurgan, Ph.D.

Robert J. Mattauch Endowed Professor and Vice Chair of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Data scientist specializing in high-throughput structural bioinformatics of proteins & small RNAs.

Structural Bioinformatics Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Protein-ligand(drug) interactions Computer-aided molecular modeling Big Data Analysis

David Hu

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

David Hu's research focuses on fundamental problems of hydrodynamics and elasticity that have bearing on problems in biology.

Physical Applied Mathematics Biomechanics Fluid Dynamics Fluid Mechanics Solid Mechanics

Mike Lincoln

EVP Business Development · Lillibridge Healthcare Services Inc.

Sought after speaker on driving healthcare industry innovation, reconciling growth with capital, and enhancing the customer experience.

Customer Experience Go-To-Market Strategies Evolution in Healthcare Delivery Healthcare Financial Debt Capital Markets

Biplab Datta, PhD

Assistant Professor, Institute of Public and Preventive Health and in the Department of Population Health Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. Datta’s research explores the niche areas in the junction of public health and economics.

Global Health Health Economics Non-Communicable Diseases Healthcare Financing Socioeconomic Determinants of Health

Sheila Ross, Ph.D.

Professor and Department Chair · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Sheila Ross is an expert in the areas of universal design and engineering education.

Emily Day

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Day engineers drug & biomolecule nanocarriers for targeted treatment of cancers, blood disorders, and reproductive health conditions.

Precision Medicine Drug Delivery Translational Research Gene Regulation Phototherapy