Claire Vallotton

Associate Professor of Child Development · Michigan State University

An expert in early childhood education and intervention; parent-child interaction and communication; early development of social skills

Childcare Infant Mental Health Parenting Early Childhood Education Child Development

Willie D. Spears Jr.

Speaker, Author, Teacher, Coach, Story Teller · The Willie Spears Experience

Willie has talked to youth & adults about Leadership, Life Choices, Teacher Inservice. Charismatic speaker. .

Life Choices/Management Health and Fitness Leadership/Motivation Building the Team/Relationships Diversity

Julie Ngo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Investments Mutual Funds Derivatives Fintech

Philip Calvert

Social Media Sales Speaker, LinkedIn Strategist and Social Network Founder · IFA Life

Social Media Sales Speaker and LinkedIn Strategist

Social Media Linkedin Social Networking Sales Marketing

Simon Garnier

Assistant Professor, College of Science and Liberal Arts · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Garnier focuses on the study of collective behaviors and swarm intelligence in natural and artificial systems

Biological Sciences Swarm Robotics Interdisciplinary Education Collective Behavior Swarm Intelligence

Harry Moser

Founder and President · The Reshoring Initiative

Motivating and enabling the return of manufacturing to the US

Reshoring Manufacturing Skilled Workforce

Philip McHarris

Assistant Professor of Black Studies · University of Rochester

McHarris is an expert in politics and race, policing, incarceration, housing, racism, and race and inequality.

Black Lives Matter Housing and Society Incarceration Incarceration and Racial Disparity Inequality

Andrew (Drew) Marshall

CEO/Principal · Primed Associates LLC

Innovation-capable culture creation and performance

Business Strategy Organizational Development Change Management Innovation Performance Innovation Culture

Don Holbrook

The Next America: Moving Beyond a Fragile Economy · Author and Keynote Speaker

Author/Keynote Speaker/Public Policy Business Incentives-Site Location Consultant

Public Speaking Site Location Public Incentive Negotiations

Dr. Ron Dembo

Founder and CEO · Zerofootprint Software Inc.

Easily filling even the biggest shoes and still leaving no mark, the CEO of Zerofootprint developed software to reduce environmental impacts

Energy Management Carbon Measurement and Management Renewable Energy Green Buildings Enterprise Risk Management

Helene Segura

Time Management Fixer | Author | Speaker · LivingOrder San Antonio

Are you ready to regain control of your day? Do you want to work smarter, not longer? Discover how to tell your time what to do!

Productivity Organizing and Project Management Skills

Tamer Nadeem, Ph.D.

Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Wireless networks, edge/cloud systems, generative AI, cybersecurity, trustworthy AI, AI-enabled health, cyber-physical systems, and cobots.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Wireless Networks Edge/Cloud Computing Generative AI Trustworthy AI

Robert Anderson

National Security Consultant & Intelligence Analyst · Altadena Group

Understanding today's national security issues & how they impact what you do or want to do

National Security Current Events

Dr. Frances Westley

JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation, University of Waterloo · Social Innovation Generation

Putting the SOCIAL in change is the JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation at SiG@Waterloo, which builds capacity for social innovation

Sustainable Development Social Innovation Social Finance Engagement and Social Change Social Innovation and Resilience

Donghee Yvette Wohn

Associate Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Wohn studies the role of algorithms and social interactions in livestreaming, esports, gaming and social media.

Online fandom content moderation Algorithm and Society eSports Social Media

Dayna Nadine Scott

Associate Professor · Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

Dr.Dayna Scott works in the areas of environmental law and policy; critical risk theory; environmental justice; and trade and globalization.

Environmental Law and Justice Gender and Environmental Health Toxic Substances Regulation Feminist Theory of the Body Pollution

Malik Magdon-Ismail

Professor, Computer Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Learning from data and decision-making in complex data systems

Probability and Stochastic Processes Pattern Recognition Machine Learning Big Data Algorithms

Tyler Loftus

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Tyler Loftus uses artificial intelligence for clinical decision making to improve surgical care while adhering to bioethical principles.

Bioethics Crtical care Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Trauma Surgery

Jacob T. Fisher

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Dr. Jacob T. Fisher's research is positioned at the intersection of digital technology, attention, and decision making.

Network Analysis Neuroscience Media Psychology Attention Multitasking

Thomas Dietz

University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science and Policy (ESPP) · Michigan State University

Expert in climate change, human driving forces of environmental change, environmental values, environmental decision making

Ecology Environmental Policy Human driving forces of environmental change Climate Change