Randy Collins

Dean · Western Carolina University

Randy Collins is a distinguished engineer who has long experience combining student work in the classroom and collaboration with industry.

Aviation Student Success Electrical and Computer Engineering

Michael Golden, DMA

Professor of Music Composition and Theory, and Director, Creative Arts Program · Soka University

Michael Golden’s teaching and creative interests include composition and jazz improvisation, music and ecology, and music and peacebuilding

Music and Ecology World Music Composition (including computer music) Music Theory Jazz and Improvisation

Michael Mills

Associate Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Evolutionary Psychology & Applied Adaptationsim Sex Differences Produced by the Process of Sexual Selection (Evolved Sexually Dimorphic Psychological Adaptations) Psychology and Sustainability Ecological Psychology Animal Behavior / Behavioral Ecology

Xiangyi Cheng

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Augmented Reality Robotics Intelligent Systems Human Computer Interaction (Hci)

Pavlo Antonenko

Professor · University of Florida

Pavlo Antonenko develops, implements and studies technologies to support engaged learning.

Science Literacy and Engagement Cognitive Assessment Cybersecurity Education Learning Technologies Design-Based Research

Dan Stanhope

Director, Development · ExpertFile

I'm a seasoned software developer with over 15 years of professional experience working in both online media and software.

Devops Javascript Software Architecture Node.Js

Chip Ferguson

Professor · Western Carolina University

Chip Ferguson, individually, with students and other faculty, has completed over 15 significant research projects and patents applications.

New Product Design and Development Strengths of Materials Engineering Fundamentals Engineering Graphics 3D Constraint-Based Computer Modeling

Frederic Wilf

Managing Partner · Baer Crossey LLC

Experienced technology, intellectual property and business law attorney and counselor advising internet and information technology companies

Intellectual Property Protection for Startups and Online Companies Privacy and Security for Online Companies Digital Millennium Copyright Act

David Rothenberg

Distinguished Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Through writing and music, David Rothenberg explores the relationship between humans and nature.

Bird Music Humanity Musicality of Animals Human Computer Musical Interfaces Environmental Philosophy

Timothy D. Golden

Professor, Lally School of Management; Area Head of Enterprise Management and Organization · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading researcher on remote work, telecommuting, telework, and the relationship between technology and managerial behaviors.

Work-At-Home Virtual Teams Virtual Work Telework Telecommuting

Randy Nelson

Professor and Chair | Department of Neuroscience · The Ohio State University

Expert in biological rhythms, sleep, neuroinflammation and behavioral endocrinology.

Behavioral endocrinology Neuroinflammation Sleep Biological rhythms Nighttime light exposure

Elizabeth (Betsy) VanDeusen, PhD

Director, Augusta University Literacy Center · Augusta University

Interdisciplinary Instruction Communities of Practice Literacy

Rafiqul Noorani

Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Rapid Prototyping Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Nanotechnology

Miriam Capretz

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Western University

Professor of Software Engineering at Western University who conducts research in energy management, smart buildings and online advertising.

Software Engineering – Architecture & Design Methodologies. Software Development Lifecycle. Software Research Graduate Education Teaching in Software Engineering Software Development

Mohammed Essaid MEZERREG

Internship Trainee · Center for Development of Advanced Technologies(CDTA)

Computer Science Engineer (Système Informatique)

PHP C# Linux .Net Framework C

Yoav Schwartz

CEO, Founder · Uberflip

You'll love getting this flip off! Uberflip's CEO will give your audience the scoop on leading edge digital publishing web applications

Web Design Digital Marketing Web Development Business Strategy Marketing Strategy

Alex Bratton

CEO & Chief Geek · Lextech Global Services

CEO & Chief Geek, Views Technology Through a Business-Focused Lens

5 Secrets to Successful Enterprise App Development The Consumerization of It Mobile Technology is Changing the World 20 Business Secrets Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Should Know Indicators of Mobile App Opportunities

Tom Cooper

Leadership Expert · BrightHill Group

Leadership Expert - helping you raise your game to the next level

Leadership Communication Sales Influence Strategy

Peter O'Blenis

COO · Flick Software Inc

Enterprise Mobile Apps and IT in Health Care Research

Mobile Business Solutions: Extending Business Applications Beyond the Desktop Use of Software in Systematic Reviews to Produce High Quality Results Much More Faster. Starting and Growing A Software Business in Canada

John Chen

CEO · Geoteaming

Author 50 Digital Team Building Games Wiley and Sons May 2012 - Expert in using techology for team building for results!

Team Building Social Media Technology Team Performance Leadership