Leah Goold-Haws

Global Trade & Logistics - Deputy Sector Navigator · Doing What Matters - California Community Colleges

Global Trade & Logistics - Deputy Sector Navigator at Doing What Matters - California Community Colleges

Marketing Strategy Development Brand Assessment Global Trade & Logistics Global Micro-Enterprise Curriculum Development

Dan Li, Ph.D.

Research Associate · IDEA

Dan Li wrote her dissertation on parental mediation of children’s television viewing.

Higher Education Program Development Distance Learning Adult Education Survey Design

Douglas Fuchs

Professor of Special Education and Nicholas Hobbs Chair of Special Education and Human Development and Professor Pediatrics in the Vanderbilt University Medical School · Vanderbilt University

Special education expert on interventions for children with learning disabilities and behavior disorders.

Classroom Management Learning Disabilities and Behaviour Response to Intervention Reading Comprehension Urban Education

Katharine Thakkar

Assistant Professor of Psychology · Michigan State University

Professor Thakkar is an expert in psychotic disorders.

Neuropsychological Assessment Eye Tracking Psychosis Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia

Kari Lannon, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Treatment of eating disorders; trauma including childhood sexual abuse; social and developmental bases of behavior

Psychopathology Play Therapy Health Psychology Psychological Assessment Social and Emotional Learning

James Vivian, Ph.D.

Faculty Research Specialist - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Health practices and health literacy in ethnic groups and underserved groups; study of liability scales as they relate to criminal behavior

Introductory and Advanced Statistics Advanced Spss Power Analysis The Analysis of Moderation and Mediation Structural Equation Modeling

Suzanne Bauer, Psy.D., Esq.

Clinical Psychologist · ChristianaCare

Dr. Suzanne Bauer is an expert in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder and providing care to outpatients using a variety of therapies.

Psychological Assessment Behavior Modification Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Child Psychology Autism Spectrum Disorder

Jinnie Shin

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jinnie Shin is an assistant professor of research and evaluation methodology.

Learning Analytics Educational Assessment Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing

Alberto Fernandez

Assistant Professor | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Neuropsychology Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Neuropsychological Assessment Neuropsychological Tests Clinical Neuropsychology

Dara Goldyne, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Critical thinking; psychological assessment; parent-infant mental health; psychoeducational evaluation; child abuse prevention and treatment

Critical Thinking Research Methods Psychological Assessment Forensic Psychology Child/Adolescent Psychopathology

Joan Kavanagh, MSN, RN

Associate Chief Nursing Officer, CCHS · Cleveland Clinic

Joan Kavanagh ensures that the right nurses are matched to the right jobs and that professional development keeps them engaged

Nursing and Faculty Shortage Competency Assessment Nursing as A Career Simulation in Nursing Education Preparation to Practice Gap

Brenda Lee

Ph.D., C.Psych.(Cand.), Counsellor · University of Manitoba

Relationship and sex researcher (monogamy, infidelity, breakups, relationship maintenance, cyber/stalking); clinical therapist.

Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology Research Research Analysis Abnormal Psychology

Danny Allan

Chief Technology Officer · Veeam Software

Danny Allan is an expert in developing technical and product strategy and bringing them to the market.

Vulnerability Assessment Enterprise Architecture Product Management Web Services Computer Security

Pavlo Antonenko

Professor · University of Florida

Pavlo Antonenko develops, implements and studies technologies to support engaged learning.

Science Literacy and Engagement Cognitive Assessment Cybersecurity Education Learning Technologies Design-Based Research

Kenneth Rosenman

Professor and Medicine Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine · Michigan State University

Kenneth Rosenman is an expert on preventing and treating medical conditions caused by exposure to chemicals, lead, asbestos and silica

Coronavirus Work-related Asthma Occupational Environmental Disease Pulmonary Disease COVID-19

Sandra Pavelka, Ph.D.

Expert in political science and justice · Florida Gulf Coast University

Sandra Pavelka is an expert in elections, law and public policy, and juvenile and restorative justice.

Campaigns Elections Public Policy Restorative Justice Voting

Stephen J. Taylor, P.E.

Principal Civil Engineer · Global Water Experts

Heavy Civil Design and Management Including Heap Leach and Tailings Facilities Analysis, Design and Construction

Engineered Systems Risk Assessments Closure Design & Construction for Leach Pads and Tailing Facilities Large Dam Projects Large Water Conveyance Projects Heap Leach and Tailings Facility Analyses Design and Construction

Karl Kuhnert

Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine. Senior Faculty Fellow of the Emory Ethics Center · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Leadership Development and Assessment Decision Making Artificial Intelligence Organizational Change and Development Survey Design and Evaluation

Laura Vandenberg

Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.

Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment

Heather Innes

Chief Privacy Officer · GM Canada

Counsel, Global Process Leader, International Trade Law General Motors and Chief Privacy Officer for GM Canada

International Sales Trade Law Privacy Anti-Corruption Corporate Law