Dr Amreen Bashir
Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences · Aston University
Dr Bashir's research interests include clinical microbiology and environmental microbiology.
Clinical Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria Found in Food Make Up Products Food and Water Microbiology
Stephen Pearlman, M.D., MSHQS
Clinical Effectiveness Officer · ChristianaCare
Dr. Stephen Pearlman a neonatologist and safety expert is the Clinical Effectiveness Officer Acute Care at ChristianaCare.
Healthcare Quality and Safety Communication and Resolution Programs Neonatal Intensive Care
Treena Wynes
Wellness Warrior · Food4Thought
Wellness Warrior, Counsellor & Author
Eating Disorders Self-Esteem Stress Management Mental Health Health and Wellness
Jessica Smith Schwind
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology · Georgia Southern University
Jessica Smith Schwind researches emerging infectious diseases in global health settings
Coronavirus Global Health Emerging Infectious Diseases Disease Detection and Response COVID-19
Dr Hannah Bartlett
Reader, Optometry Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG) Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing · Aston University
Dr Bartlett's research portfolio is broadly based around the role of nutrition in ocular disease.
Clinical Education Ophthalmic Instrumentation Low Vision Ocular Nutrition Macular Pigment
Diana C. Parry
Professor, Applied Health Sciences, Special Advisor to the President, Women's and Gender Issues · University of Waterloo
Dr. Diana C. Parry research explores the roles of leisure in women’s health and wellbeing through a feminist lens.
Women's Leisure Gender Leisure Health and Well-Being Qualitative Inquiry Feminist Theory
Kathleen McCallops, Ph.D
Senior Research Associate · ChristianaCare
Kathleen McCallops, Ph.D, is a Senior Research Associate for Community Health at ChristianaCare.
Youth Development Housing Instability Community Health Family Health Food Insecurity
Karen Antell, M.D., MPH, FAAFP
Director of Maternity and Women’s Health Education · ChristianaCare
Menopause Transition Care Contraception Training Family Medicine Obstetrical Care Maternity Care Education School-based Health
Tom Kaminski
Professor, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology · University of Delaware
Prof. Kaminski is a leading expert on issues related to purposeful headers in interscholastic and intercollegiate soccer.
Chronic Ankle Instability Repetitive Head Impacts Recovery Assessment
Bill Peacock, MS
Chief of Operations · Cleveland Clinic
Mr. Peacock oversees Cleveland Clinic's 46 buildings in Cleveland, as well as its buildings in Canada, Florida, Nevada and Abu Dhabi
International Operations Healthcare Real Estate and Development Sustainable Healthcare Architecture Cleveland Clinic Strategy for Growth
Jiebo Luo
Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering / Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester
Luo is an expert in artificial intelligence (AI) foundations in an array of fields
AI Artificial Intelligence and Social Science Artificial Intelligence and Scheduling and Planning Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
Sai Zhang
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Sai Zhang's research leverages machine learning and big biomedical data to decode complex human diseases and advance precision medicine.
Computational Biology Computational Genomics Machine Learning Precision Medicine Statistical Genetics
Michael Ostrowsky
Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University
Sociologist specializing in the topics of education, drug use, deviance, delinquency theories, and violent behavior
Social Psychology Delinquency Theories, Trends and Issues Sociology of Drugs Violent Behavior in Sports Fans Applied Research
Vickie Cammack
Social Innovator and Care Activist · A Good Life Consulting
Vickie Cammack is the Founder of Tyze Personal Networks that helps people to care as a network
Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship Public Speaking Community Development Caregiving
Jesse Rhodes
Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jesse Rhodes is a leading expert in social policy, voting rights, inequality, and political behavior.
Polls Political Polling Voting Rights American Politics Civil Rights
Jennie Noll
Professor of Psychology and Executive Director of Mt. Hope Family Center · University of Rochester
Noll is an expert in child maltreatment prevention and child psychology.
Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Child Abuse Policy Child Maltreatment and Trauma Child Psychology
Michelle L. Axe, MS, CHES
Community Health Program Manager · ChristianaCare
Michelle Axe is a Community Health Program Manager overseeing the departments food and social care initiatives.
Food as Medicine Social Care Strategic Planning Digital Transportation
Carmel Majidi
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Carmel Majidi’s mission is to discover materials and methods that allow robots and machines to behave like soft biological organisms.
Soft Robotics Medical Device Manufacturing Wearable Robotics Medical Devices Advanced Manufacturing
Rebecca Natow
Assistant Professor of Specialized Programs in Education · Hofstra University
Dr. Natow teaches higher educational leadership and policy in the Department of Specialized Programs
Program Evaluation Qualitative Research Methods Higher Education Educational Policy Student Affairs
Nicholas Reich
Professor of Biostatistics / Director of Influenza Forecasting Center of Excellence · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nicholas Reich's research focuses on infectious disease modeling and optimizing design and analysis for cluster-randomized studies.
Infectious Disease Modelling Flu forecasting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Biostatistics Influenza Pandemics