Nick Whiteley

Chief Operating Officer · Innogise

CEO at Innogise Consulting, Author of Business Innovation

Think Like A Charity Innovation Culture

David Rose

CEO · Vitality, MIT MediaLab

Entrepreneur, product designer, MIT Media Lab researcher

Product Innovation Entrepreneurship Internet of Things Glanceable Technology Ambient Design

Dr. Eric Leuthardt

Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery and Biomedical Engineering · Movable Type Management

Who needs hands anyway! Researcher advancing neuroprosthetics is developing medical devices and brain–computer interface technologies

Brain Computer Interfaces Neural Technologies Brain 2.0 Neuroprosthetics Innovation

Ariel Garten

Founder and Chief Evangelist Officer · Muse

Global speaker, female tech founder, and expert in brain, neuroscience, psychotherapy, entrepreneurship, innovation, and women in business.

Neuroscience of Meditation Brain Computer Interface Start Up Mindfulness Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Carolyn Snider

Emergency Physician at Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre & Medical Director · Emergency Department Violence Intervention Program

An academic emergency medicine physician dedicated to advocating for people affected by violence

Trauma Care Youth Violence Intimate Partner Violence Emergency Medicine

John Baumann

National Speakers Association Inspirational Speaker · JK Success Enterprises, LLC

Embrace Adversity & Reclaim Positive Perspective Inspirational Speaker

Reclaiming Posi-Spective (Positive Perspective)

Rosalie Moscoe

Owner, Spleaker, Registered Nutritional Consultant · Health in Harmony

Experienced Speaker Extraordinaire, specializing in Stress Relief, Nutrition and Well-Being

Stress Relief - A Wellness Approach to Stress Management Nutrition - How Nutriiton Can Improve Vitality and Mental Health Caregivers - How They Need to Learn Extreme Self Care Stress Wellness

Lynn Kelly Devlin

Nurse Practitioner, Author, Speaker · Cancer Widow

Hospice / Palliative Care nurse practitioner and author speaks about coping with a loved ones end-of-life preparations

Hospice and Palliative Care End-Of-Life Preparations Alzheimers Disease Caring for the Caregiver How to Build Your Palliative Care Team

Amir Hayeri

Chief Executive Officer · Bio Conscious Technologies

As the Founder & CEO of Bio-Conscious Technologies Inc, Amir has a diverse background in developing novel medical software technology.

Medical Software Technology Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Glucose Monitoring Diabates

Kim Seery, RHIA, CDIP, CCS

Director of Coding and Data Quality · ChristianaCare

Kim Seery, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CHDA, CPC, CRC, AHIMA, is the Director of Coding and Data Quality

Acute Care Data Quality ICD-10-CM/PCS Best Practice Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs)

Chloe JonPaul

sole proprietor · CJP Enterprises

Experienced, dynamic speaker who engages her audience with interactive material

Caregiving: Celebration or Catastrophe? The Inmate's Guide to Transformation & Success

Dr. William E. Reichman

President and CEO · Baycrest

Overseeing one of the leading academic healthcare organizations specializing in complex specialized geriatric care and brain research.

Nutrition and the Aging Brain Mental Health and Aging Strategies for Remembering The Interactive Impact of Fitness and Brain Health Maintaining Autonomy: the Brain Fitness Movement

Dr. David Conn

Vice-President, Education ; Director, Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange · Baycrest

An expert and author specializing in training psychiatric and behavioral problems encountered by medical and non-medical staff.

Geriatric Psychiatry Aging and Depression Geriatrics

Jan D. Hirsch

Founding Dean, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences · UC Irvine

Jan Hirsch's research interests are focused in the areas of pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research.

Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) Medication Therapy Management Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacoeconomics Drug Development

Seth Neistadt

CEO / President

CEO / President

Community Chamber of Commerce Email Marketing Social & Digital Media Facebook

Tara Alvarez

Professor and Director, Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Alvarez conducts neuroscience research for helping patients recover their vision and for diagnosing other visual diseases.

Vision Therapy Virtual Reality Vision Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering

Eyuphan Bulut, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Bulut's research interests include wireless networks and mobile computing, cyber-physical systems, and social networks

Applied Machine Learning with Sensor Data and Wireless Signals Mobile Computing: Wireless Networks Cyber-physical Systems Mobile Social Networks Wireless Charging Security: Cyber Security Network Security Privacy and Trust Mobile (3G/4G) Systems: Mobile Packet Core Cloud Mobile Data Offloading Internet of Things (IoT), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Wireless Sensing

Dean Krusienski, Ph.D.

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Biomedical Engineering | B.S., M.S., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University · VCU College of Engineering

Focusing on neural signal processing and analysis for the development of brain-computer interfaces and neuroprosthetic devices.

EEG Analysis Brain-Computer Interfaces Signal Processing Machine Learning Neuroprosthetics

Charlene Senn

Professor of Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies · University of Windsor

Dr. Charlene Senn's research centres primarily on male violence against women with a focus on sexual violence interventions.

Women's and Gender Studies Violence Against Women Sexual Violence and Campus Interventions Male Violence Against Women Applied Social Psychology

Patti Jones

General Manager · Lillibridge Healthcare Services Inc.

Patti shares her "real world" experience and insights working with hospitals, health systems, physicians and brokers.

Contract and Lease Negotiation Construction Management Real Estate Tax Appeals Staff Development Financial Budgeting and Reporting