Matt Weeg

Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in neuroethology, brain behavior, and neuroscience

Cognitive Neuroscience Human Pathophysiology Fish Audiology Communication & Behaviour Audition

Dr. Daniela Bota

Associate Dean of Clinical Research and Associate Professor of Neurology · UC Irvine

Dr. Daniela A. Bota is a UCI Health neuro-oncologist who specializes in the treatment of primary and metastatic brain tumors.

Clinical Trials Neuro-Oncology Brain Cancer Neurology Brain Tumors

Katherine "Kat" Collard, MS, RN-BC, NP

Chief Nursing Information Officer · ChristianaCare

Katherine Collard is the chief nursing informatics officer at ChristianaCare, responsible for systems that directly impact nurses.

Nursing Informatics Technology implementor

Sunny G. Hallowell, PhD

Associate Professor | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Sunny G. Hallowell, PhD, APRN, PPCNP-BC is an expert in human milk and lactation, neonatal care, and children’s health policy.

Healthcare Simulation/VR Lactation Consultation Perinatal Outcomes Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Workforce Issues

Rebecca Shenkman

Director of the MacDonald Center for Nutrition Education and Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Rebecca Shenkman, MPH, RD, LDN, is an expert in nutrition, weight management, and using food to help prevent and control disease

Weight Management Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Childhood Obesity

Máire B. Ford

Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Social isolation and exclusion Social Perception Processes in Interpersonal Interactions. Social Support Processes Influence of Relationship Processes On Health and Well-Being

Emile Lester

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Lester is an expert in church and state issues, especially controversies surrounding teaching religion in schools.

American Constitutional Law Church and State Issues Teaching Religion in Schools Minority Religious Groups Political Philosophy

Claire Wheeler

Instructor · Portland State University

Experienced, energetic speaker who builds organizational success through the well-being of its members

Stress Management Optimal Performance Weight Management

Katie Muther, RN

Director of Nursing and Strategic Partnerships for Center for Virtual Health · ChristianaCare

Katie Muther, RN, is the Director of Nursing and Strategic Partnerships at ChristianaCare's Center for Virtual Health.

Healthcare Management Nursing

Meryl Alappattu

Research Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Meryl Alappattu's research interests include chronic pain, pelvic pain, rehabilitation and women's health.

Chronic Pain Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Pelvic Pain Physical Therapy Rehabilitation

Brenton R. Graveley, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Genetics and Genome Sciences · University of Connecticut

Professor Graveley is an expert in genetics and genomic sciences, with particular focus on RNA biology.

Micro RNAs Genetics and Genomics Genome Sciences RNA Biology

Jon Bauer, J.D.

Clinical Professor of Law · University of Connecticut

Expertise: Asylum and Refugee Law, Immigration Law, Employment and Housing Discrimination, and Legal Ethics

Asylum and Human Rights Employment and Housing Discrimination Asylum and Refugee Law Immigration Law Legal Ethics

Randy Nelson

Professor and Chair | Department of Neuroscience · The Ohio State University

Expert in biological rhythms, sleep, neuroinflammation and behavioral endocrinology.

Behavioral endocrinology Neuroinflammation Sleep Biological rhythms Nighttime light exposure

Ramzi Salloum

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Ramzi Salloum’s research focuses on the implementation and dissemination of evidence-based practices, especially in cancer prevention.

Learning Health Systems Global Health Implementation Science Tobacco Control Cancer

Ronald Shapiro

Speaker & Consultant · Ronald G. Shapiro, Ph. D.

Improve job or school performance, educate, and entertain at the same time!!! Learning which is applicable and a ton of fun!!!

Human Factors/Ergonomics Leadership/Management/Teamwork Career Development Understanding Human Capabilities and Limitations Special Recognition

James Randerson

Chancellor's Professor Earth System Science · UC Irvine

James Randerson studies the global carbon cycle using remote sensing and in-situ measurements and different types of models.

Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Forests Wildfires Climate Plants

Dr Felicity Deamer

Research Fellow, English · Aston University

Dr Deamer's research explores the linguistic and communicative dynamics of police interviews.

Linguistics Mental Health Use of Language

Lindsay Levine

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Lindsay Levine is an expert in consumer judgment and decision-making.

Social Cognition Marketing and Sales Consumer Behavior

Martha Terris, MD

Witherington Distinguished Chair, Urology · Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

Dr. Terris specializes in urologic cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal masses, bladder cancer and testicular cancer.

Oncology Cancer Prostate Cancer Kidney Cancer Bladder Cancer

Jack Uldrich

Author, futurist & "Chief Unlearning Officer" · The School of Unlearning

Futurist, Best-Selling Author & "Chief Unlearning Officer"

Futurist Change Management