Justin Cole
Director of the Center for Pharmacy Innovation · Cedarville University
Dr. Cole is an expert in pediatrics, pharmacy innovation, interprofessional care, and pharmacy practice advancement.
Neurology Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Pediatrics Pharmacy Innovation
Anna Galloway
Clinical Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Anna Galloway's research finds appropriate uses of music within occupational therapy increase collaboration with music therapists.
End of Life Care Intensive Care Creative Arts Therapy Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy Equal Access Clinic (OT EAC)
Joanne Frederick
President and CEO · Market Strategies
Proven Government Contract Strategist
Public Sector Healthcare Government Contracting Proposal Development
Mark Skidmore
Professor · Michigan State University
Expert in Public finance and budgeting, regional economics, economics of natural disasters
Economics of Natural Disasters Public Finance and Budgeting Regional Economics
Timothy Johnson
Outreach Coordinator · The Mentoring Center of Central Ohio
Energetic, engaging speaker, passionate about serving youth and helping people reach their full potential
Connecting With Youth Overcoming Adversity Redeeming Your Character Fatherhood Parenting
Victor Montgomery
"Life in the Balance" Speaker, Author · Warriors in Recovery - from Addiction & Suicide Ideation
Healing Suicidal Veterans - "Life in the Balance" - Seminars- Interventions for Alcohol and other Drug Addictions & Suicidal Ideation
Warriors in Recovery Crisis Intervention - Suicide Ideation Alcohol and Other Drug Additions Veteran Combat Trauma The Psycholoical Wounds of War- What Happens in the War Zone?