Domenic Forte
Professor · University of Florida
Domenic Forte is an expert in the fields of hardware security and assurance, electronic design automation, and microelectronics.
Counterfeit Electronics National Security Hardware Security Electronic Design Automation Artificial Intelligence
Bora Karayaka
Professor · Western Carolina University
Bora Karayak leads the efforts to establish electric power engineering as a discipline within the School of Engineering + Technology.
Engineering Education Power Generation Instrumentation Energy Conversion and Electric Machines Power Electronics
Stephen M. Williams, P.E., Ph.D.
Vice President of Campus Infrastructure · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Steve Williams specializes in control systems, power electronics and electromechanical systems.
Curriculum Design Electromechanical Systems Control Systems Power Electronics Electrical Engineering
Richard Kelnhofer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Richard Kelnhofer is an expert in the areas of electrical engineering and higher education pedagogy.
Power Electronics Data Center Design Telecommunication Systems Electrical Engineering
Kathleen Iacocca, PhD
Associate Professor of Management & Operations | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Kathleen Iacocca, PhD, is an expert on supply chain management, business analytics and optimization, with a focus on healthcare industries.
Pharmaceutical Drug Pricing Business Healthcare Economics and Policy Pharmaceutical Industries Applications in Healthcare
Rick Hoadley
Adjunct Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Rick Hoadley is an electrical engineer with expertise in DC and AC drives, drive applications, transformers, power electronics and quality.
Power Quality Power Electronics AC Motors AC Drives Higher Education
Chris Van Dusen
Chief Marketing Officer ·
Remote Efficiency and Collaboration Through Technology Will Change the Face of Business, Are You Ready?
Technology Ipad Social Media Personal Branding Collaboration
Orod Arbabzadeh
Vice President of Sales and Technology · Iron Cove Solutions
Technology Specialist
Cloud Microsoft Office 365
Will Pate
Mobile Strategy · Kazify
Will is an experienced digital strategist that helps orgs deliver mobile-first tech, content, and experiences to employees and customers.
Mobile Strategy Mobile Advertising Mobile Mobile Marketing Mobile Business
Daniel Berkal
Partner; SVP Innovation · The Palmerston Group
Award winning Ethnographer. Global Speaker. Enveloped in the Cultural Zeitgeist.
Social Media Ethnography Popular Culture Trends Market Research
Bryan Segal
Senior Vice President · comScore
Segal brings over 20 years of business development, operational acumen, and client relationship expertise to his role at comScore.
Strategic Planning Market Research Business Development Media and Technology Digital Media
Gustavo Vejarano
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Multimedia Communications
Trisha Andrew
Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Trisha Andrew's lab creates smart garments and wearable textiles that lets people monitor their health data using their clothing
Smart Garments Wearable Technologies Garment-Integrated Technologies Solar Textiles Textile Electronics
Mary Simoni
Dean, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences & Professor, Arts · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Works as a leading composer, author, teacher, pianist, and arts administrator
Sound Synthesis Interactive Electronics Music Education Music Theory Music Composition
Simone Peinkofer
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Simone Peinkofer is an assistant professor of supply chain management at Michigan State University.
Logistics Retail Systems Retail Strategy
Raju Mandhyan
Chief Facilitator · Inner Sun Consultants
You and your teams can be as good as you want to be. I promise!
Leading Deep Change Through Appreciative Inquiry Engage and Influence With Nlp Asian Integration & Globalization
Gordon Brent Pierce
Founder and CEO · Pierco Management Inc
Founder and CEO at Pierco Management Inc
Asset and Investment Assessment Business Development Planning Finance Syndication
Jasna Jankovic, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Materials Science & Engineering · University of Connecticut
Prof. Jasna Jankovic is an expert in the development of advanced imaging and spectroscopy, fuel cells and industrial collaborations.
Industrial Collaborations Fuel Cells Development and application of advanced imaging and spectroscopy techniques 3D material design and imaging Advanced Nanomaterials for Clean Energy
C. Nataraj, PhD
Moritz Endowed Professor of Engineered Systems; Director, VCADS Research Center | College of Engineering · Villanova University
C. Nataraj, PhD, is an expert in unmanned vehicles, robotics, and diagnostic healthcare systems.
Autonomous Vehicles Drones Machine Learning Unmanned Vehicles Robotics
Louis Smith
Founder, Editor-in-Chief · GeekHelpingHand
Geek | Entrepreneur | Entertainer
Entrepreneurship Business Marketing