Arvind Sabesan, M.D., FACS
Surgical Oncologist · ChristianaCare
Arvind Sabesan, M.D., is a Surgical Oncologist at ChristianaCare's Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute.
Robotic Surgery Clinical Research Endocrine Surgery General Surgery Surgical Oncology
Elias Sayour
Assistant Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Elias Saymour is an expert in pediatric oncology and hematology with a specialization in immunologic treatment of cancer.
Pediatric Oncology mRNA Vaccines Cancer Immunotherapy Pediatric Cancer
Lee McKnight
Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation · Syracuse University
Visionary Inventor of Cloud to Edge Software Applications - Edgeware Wiglets and Gridlets
Virtual Markets and Wireless Grids Social Radio Social Emergency Response Edgeware Creative Destruction
Lori Wilkinson
Professor of Sociology · University of Manitoba
Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods
Research Methods Race and Ethnic Relations Settlement Integration Youth and School-To-Work Transitions
Larisa Cavallari
Professor · University of Florida
Larisa Cavallari's research involves discovery and clinical translation of genetic variants related to drug response.
Pharmacogenomics Precision Medicine
April Kloxin
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Kloxin's research group seeks to design responsive materials for tissue regeneration.
Stimuli-Responsive Materials Biomaterials 3D Cell Culture Tissue Engineering Drug Delivery
Steven Shugan
Chair · University of Florida
Steven Shugan is an expert in health care and market research.
Advance-Selling and other Creating Pricing Practices Normative Methods for Modeling Competition Competition in Health-Care Markets Markets for Evaluative Information Growth in Competitive Markets
Jacob Dean
Associate Professor, Chemistry · Southern Utah University
Expertise in physical chemistry, specifically molecular spectroscopy.
Laser Spectroscopy Molecular Design Principles Physical Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy Spectroscopy
Aileen Anderson
Director of the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center · UC Irvine
Dr. Anderson is an expert on stem cell research, with a focus on spinal cord and traumatic brain injury.
Glioblastoma Stem Cell Biology Stem Cell Research Spinal Cord Injury
Professor Ed Galea
Director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group · University of Greenwich
His research and software tools inform disaster management and crowd safety, and the design of safe buildings, aircraft and ships, globally
Fire and Evacuation Evacuation Computational Fire Engineering Fire Safety Civil Defence
Dennis D’Amico, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Animal Science Food Safety · University of Connecticut
Dennis D'Amico's research and outreach efforts focus on improving the safety and quality of milk and value-added dairy products.
Dairy Science Dairy Industry Food Microbiology Food Safety Standards Food Science
Francisco A. Villarruel
Associate Chair and Professor · Michigan State University
An expert on issues affecting Latino youth and families; Latinos in the criminal justice system
Positive Youth Development Latino Youth and Families
Stephen Crocker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Associate Director of Neuroscience Graduate Program · University of Connecticut
Prof. Stephen Crocker is an expert on how the immune and nervous systems interact and how this balance is disrupted.
Nervous System Immune System Neuroscience
Lisa Scarton
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Lisa Scarton focuses her research on reducing health disparities among American Indian populations, especially Type 2 diabetes.
Health Disparities Type 2 Diabetes
Andrea Grottoli
Professor | School of Earth Sciences · The Ohio State University
Climate change expert, specializing in coral responses to climate change and reconstructing oceanographic conditions
Coral Reefs Paleoceanography Biogeochemistry
Megan Mickley, M.D., MBA, FAAP
Interim Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Co-Physician Executive of the Women’s & Children’s Service Line · ChristianaCare
Dr. Megan Mickley is the Interim Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Co-Physician Executive of the Women’s & Children’s Service Line
Healthcare Management Pediatric Emergency Medicine Emergency Ultrasound Pediatrics
Fritz Nordengren
Documentary Storyteller · Fritz Nordengren
A storyteller blending journalism, public health, and fiction, creating impactful works on healthcare and personal journeys.
International Travel Health Speaking Engagements Documentary Photography Coaching Teaching
Jennifer Dungan
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Jennifer Dungan's expertise is identifying human genetic markers for heart disease and precision cardiovascular health strategies.
Women’s Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease Genetics
Martin Gaynor
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Martin Gaynor's research focuses on competition and antitrust policy, particularly in health care markets.
Public Policy Industrial Organization Business and Economics Health Economics Antitrust
Jeffrey LeJeune
Professor I Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine · The Ohio State University
Jeffrey T. LeJeune is an internationally recognized expert in food safety and bacterial diseases transmitted between animals and people.
Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Ecology Food Safety Bacterial Diseases