Peter Blacklow

President, WorldWinner and Executive Vice President, GSN Digital · GSN

Don't roll the dice with your conference speakers! Cash in with this digital gaming industry expert and mentor to internet-enabled startups

Online Gaming

Zoe Cunningham

Managing Director · Softwire

Managing Director at Softwire

Networking Personal Development Prototyping

Marc Dangeard

Network Services Strategist · Sony Corporation of America

Entrepreneur and network weaver, promoting the raise of a virtual Silicon Valley

Virtual Silicon Valley

Ryan Andal

Technical Director, Partner · Secret Location

Freshen up your new media projects with this award-winning technical director specializing in digital media and emerging technologies

Interactive Multimedia Digital Media Design Flash Media Development New Media and Emerging Technologies

Marcelo Anteparra-Naujock

Executive Creative Director · Caffelli

Pioneer in pro-video gaming, enthusiast tech markets, branding and award winning social media.

High Tech Marketing/Social Media

Orod Arbabzadeh

Vice President of Sales and Technology · Iron Cove Solutions

Technology Specialist

Cloud Microsoft Office 365

Francois Auerbach

Training Consultant

Consultancy and Training

Word Databases VBA

Melissa Sariffodeen

Founder and CEO · Ladies Learning Code

Working with an amazing team coast to coast to create tech learning experiences for all Canadians

Digital Literacy Technology Education Coding Theory Education Not For Profit Boards

Vickie Cammack

Social Innovator and Care Activist · A Good Life Consulting

Vickie Cammack is the Founder of Tyze Personal Networks that helps people to care as a network

Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship Public Speaking Community Development Caregiving

Edward Robert Relf

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) & Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) · Mind Candy

(CMO / CCO) Moshi Monsters / Mind Candy. Consumer Internet, Social Gaming Marketing Entrepreneur

Social Gaming Online Gaming Digital Marketing

Zain Abiddin

Creative Director · Chillik Media

Entrepreneur | Designer | Developer

Entrepreneurship Design Technology

John Brougher

Sales Director · NationBuilder

VP of Marketing and Nonprofit Outreach, NGP VAN and Founder,

Public Speaking Podcasting New Media Strategy

Rick McCutcheon

President · Full Contact CRM

Rick McCutcheon is a much sought after expert and though leader on the subject of Sales Productivity and CRM. Rick has been involved with th

Power Selling With Crm and Social Media Planning for Crm Success Managing Customer Prospects and Partner Relationships

Angus McDonald

Senior Product Manager · Objective Corporation

Senior Product Manager at Objective Corporation

Problem Solving Product Development Information Management

Timothy McMahon

Principal · Timothy McMahon & Company

RE-Entrepreneuring! -- The 7 Strategies for Re-Energizing Your Business in the New Economy

World Class Selling Managing for Performance New Technologies Social Media Sales Management

Cliff Medling

Technical Evangelist · 3DVIA/Dassault Systemes

Experienced Brand Evangelist presenting advancements in 3D technology

The Business Value of Virtual Training Advantages of Virtual Lifelike Experences Cloud and Mobile Technology Preview

David Mercer

CEO · David Mercer Consulting, Inc.

What is the Cloud? How can I use it to make my business more flexible and efficient?

Google Apps Cloud Computing Coming Revolution in Computing

Esther Lim

CEO and Chief Experience Architect · The Estuary, LLC

Passionately exploring the convergence of social media, storytelling, big data and emerging tech in marketing and digital entertainment

Transmedia Storytelling Digital Narratives: Co-Created Storyworld Communities Social Media Analytics Big Data Narrative Gamification

Jason Hoover

President · Grow Today, LLC

President of Grow Today, LLC

Management Leadership Speaker Team Building & Leadership Entrepeneurship

April Dunford

Independent Marketing Executive · Rocket Launch Marketing

Aim for the sky but shoot for the stars! Rocket Launch Marketing's experienced startup marketing executive helps expansion-stage startups

Corporate Communications Marketing Strategy Startup Marketing Brand Development & Marketing Product Marketing Strategies