Tiffany Gooch

Public Affairs Consultant · Enterprise

Tiffany is a government relations, political organization, and communications professional based in Toronto.

Government Relations & Public Affairs Diversity & Inclusion Women & Leadership Political Activism

Anna Terzyan

Senior Instructor of Economics · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Global Economics Managerial Economics Financial Economics

Christopher Lingle

Professor of Economics

Academic Economist with Knack for Clarity & Simplicity

Emerging Market Economies

Melissa Fore

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Melissa Fore teaches how concepts of race, class, gender, and sexuality are socially and culturally constructed.

Gender Policy Social Theory

Wendy Smith

Professor, Management · University of Delaware

Prof. Smith's research focuses on strategic paradoxes – how leaders and senior teams effectively respond to contradictory agendas.

Organizational Behavior Interpersonal Dynamics Women in the Workplace Leadership Emotional Intelligence

Bruno Conte

Social Innovator & Entrepreneur · New Tech - Manager Non Profit

Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Professor Rachel Julian

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Professor Rachel Julian is an internationally recognised researcher working on Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping/Protection.

Security Peace Feminism Community Culture

Vivian Gaspar

Keynote Speaker / Author · Carpe 28, LLC

Clarity through Education on Mortgage Modification & Foreclosure Process

Melissa Durrell

Communications and PR Strategist · Durrell Communications

Durrell Communications President

Strategic Communications Media Relations

Kevin Stein

Director MAPC Program/Professor of Communication · Southern Utah University

Specializing in the rhetoric of attack, apology, and responses to apology as well as political campaign communication.

Antapologia Strategies Political Campaign Messages Film Rhetoric of Defense Apologia

Jennifer Latham

Executive Leadership Coach · Jennifer Latham - Executive Leadership Coach

Retail Executive Coach

Personal / Corporate Branding Executive & Leadership Coaching Retail Sales Management Motivation Leadership Sales Trainings

Rosanne Korenberg

Clinical Assistant Professor of Film and Television Production · Loyola Marymount University

School of Film and Television

David Woods

Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University

Releasing the adaptive power of human systems & innovating at the intersections of people, technology and work

Critical Care Medicine Human Centered Autonomy Nuclear Power Safety Military Command and Control Space Operations

Amy Cortese

Journalist & Author of Locavesting

Locavesting Expert

Community Revitalization Crowdfunding Economic Development

Yonah Welker

Explorer, Public Evaluator, Board Member · /. org

Entrepreneur Women & Entrepreneurship Startups Venture Capital Accelerators and Venture Labour

Cyndy Caravelis

Professor · Western Carolina University

Cyndy Caravelis's research interests include the relationship between social threat and social control, and minorities and crime.

Minorities and Crime Social Justice Criminology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Policy

Tim Priest

President and Chief Marketing Strategist · CMO Strategy Group

Planning a product launch and building brand in an era where everyone is a broadcaster and there are 9 billion communication channels.

Andrew Posner

Co-Founder & Executive Director · The Capital Good Fund

Founder & CEO, Capital Good Fund

Renewable Energy Non-Profits Fundraising

Mark DiStasi

President · BOLD Solutions, LLC

Author of "From Survive to Thrive"

Strategic Planning Organizational Design Nonprofit Board Development Organizational Behavior and Leadership Volunteer Structure Planning Modeling

Anna Aceto-Guerin

President · Clear Path Employer Services

This human resources executive owns a full service HR consulting firm and is an expert on issues related to Human Capital.

Human Resources Human Capital Wsib Claims Management Neer Cost Containment Return-To-Work Programs