Priyanka Dixit-Patel, M.D.
Family Medicine Physician · ChristianaCare
Dr. Priyanka Dixit-Patel is a family medicine physician with expertise in obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health.
Family Medicine Women's Health Gynecology
Veronica McNally
Director of Trial Advocacy; Director of Externships · Michigan State University
Veronica McNally has an esteemed career in law and advocacy.
Legal Education Vaccination Ethics Public Health Trial Law
Malina Spirito, M.Ed., MA
Psychologist · ChristianaCare
Malina Spirito, M.Ed., MA, is a psychologist with ChristianaCare.
Perinatal Mental Health Women's Mental Health
Erica Cochran Hameen
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Erica Cochran Hameen's architectural experience includes over 50 educational, media and broadcast, community, and transportation facilities.
Building Performance & Diagnostics Sustainability Energy Ethics Sustainable Design
Terry Edwards
Analyst - Product Implementation · CareFusion
Opearations Manager- Pharmacy Wholesale Division at Acaria Health Solutions/Centene
Pharmacy Operations Project Management Procurement Pharmacy Trainer
Nora Egan Demers, Ph.D.
Expert in health and pollution · Florida Gulf Coast University
Nora Demers researches the effects of stressors on biological systems.
Human Health Effects of Stressors on Biological Systems Community Engagement Immunology Environmental Pollutants
Dennis Wright, Ph.D.
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry · University of Connecticut
Prof. Dennis Wright is an expert in medicinal pharmacy, therapeutic development for infectious disease and cancer.
Drug Design Infectious Disease Cancer Medicinal Chemistry
Leslie Parker
Professor/Associate Dean · University of Florida
Leslie Parker’s research focuses on the nutrition of premature infants, with an emphasis on providing breast milk to infants in the NICU.
Breast Milk Premature Infants Lactation NICU
Rebecca Pearl
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Rebecca Pearl conducts research on health and appearance-based stigma, body image, eating disorders and obesity.
Stigma Eating Disorders Body Image Obesity
Bikash Sahay
Research Associate Professor · University of Florida
Bikash Sahay's research focuses on gut microbiology and immunology.
Cancer Infectious Diseases Probiotic-Engineering and Application Lyme Disease Gut-Microbiota
Shilpa Kauta, M.D.
Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center · ChristianaCare
Dr. Shilpa Kauta currently serves as the Medical Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center.
Sleep Medicine
Marieke Van Willigen
Department Chair, Sociology and Anthropology · Georgia Southern University
Marieke Van Willigen writes about the mental and physical health of adolescents, women and disaster survivors.
Natural Disaster Assessment Social Statistics Gender and Society Mental Health
Jay Heslen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Cyber Institute faculty · Augusta University
Dr. John “Jay” Heslen is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and serves on faculty at Augusta University’s Cyber Institute
Cyber Conflict Political Science Cybersecurity Terrorism Counterintelligence
Alicia Arnold, DO
Breast Surgical Oncologist · Augusta University
Dr. Alicia Arnold is an expert in breast cancer, cancer surgery and cancer survivorship.
Cancer Breast Cancer Cancer Survivorship Surgical Oncology
Nicholas Canfield Read Brown
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Bioethics - Minor · Loyola Marymount University
The Bioethics Institute Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Claire Vallotton
Associate Professor of Child Development · Michigan State University
An expert in early childhood education and intervention; parent-child interaction and communication; early development of social skills
Childcare Infant Mental Health Parenting Early Childhood Education Child Development
James Hendler
Director, Future of Computing Institute · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Leading researcher in the Semantic Web and artificial intelligence
Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Semantic Web Computer Science
Evangelyn Alocilja
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Evangelyn Alocilja is an expert in sensors and nano-biosensor devices for biodefense, health diagnostics and therapeutics.
Bio-inspired Nanostructures Tamper-Evidency Food/Water Safety Biosecurity Healthcare Diagnostics
Debra Lyon
Dean/Chair · University of Florida
Debra Lyon’s research focuses on symptom management in women with breast cancer and other chronic illnesses.
Symptom management in breast cancer Cancer Genetics
Connie Sung
Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University
Connie Sung's research lies in biopsychosocial factors associated with successful transition, psychosocial and employment outcomes.
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Neuropsychology Rehabilitation Counseling Occupational Science